Chapter 5

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Dedicated to *JackyMckenzie* because she is truly amazing and I love her so much!

If you're interested in fanfics go check out her story it's amazing !!!


Chapter 5


Stella, Sarah and I watch was Bella stalks off towards the P.E in utter disbelief.

"Did she just..." Sarah stuttered.

"That bitch. Elodie what are we going to do?" Stella whined.

"She'll come back. They always come back."

The girls looked at me with unconvinced eyes, yet they tried to camouflage it with encouraging smiles.

I know for a fact that my eyes mirrored theirs... Of course she wasn't coming back.

I needed to come up with a plan, and fast.

To be honest, I'm shocked.

Nobody has ever spoken to me like that. Not even my parents.

How dare she think that tone and language was even remotely acceptable, to be spoken to anyone, especially me.

I don't know how to feel at this point. Fury, disrespect, annoyed....

Especially annoyed because she was the perfect girl for our yearly ritual, but I mask all these emotions behind my calm demeanour. I can't let the girls see me break, it's taken years to build this protective wall that imprisons my emotions, helping me to keep up my cool, calm and collected vibe.

This new girl will not make me snap. I cannot let that happen.

The thing is, she's perfect for this ritual, Bella definitely has the potential to become as beautiful as us. She's gorgeous already! She's just hiding her perfection under her self consciousness and shyness.

Her almost black hair is long and thick, with natural gold/auburn streaks scattered through it. It's nearly down to her backside, which isn't big, but perky and round, like her chest area. She's quite small in height but this helps essentuaite her hour glass figure. Her lips are full and are naturally a deep pink colour which act as doors that hide her perfect pearly white teeth. She has a small face that is highlighted by her cheekbones which always remain a light shade of pink, despite her golden skin.

And her eyes.

I never envy a girl.... Never.

But damn does she have nice eyes. They're a chocolatey brown with gold and green flecks that dance around when she smiles.

Sure my eyes are gorgeous, I've been told a million times! But hers are different. Unusual.

Ones that hold many secrets....

Which I think is the only thing we have in common.


The black motorcycle revs towards the front of the school, skidding to a halt on the footpath, causing students to jump out of the way.

I elbow my way through the crowd now surrounding the bike. The man slowly steps off the vehicle, revealing his height of 6'3 and causing his tight leather jacket and to stretch, outlining his broad shoulders and muscular back. He then removes the helmet revealing a devilish smile, and piercing green eyes. His chiselled features add to his edgy look. His chin is littered with slight stubble making him appear older and sexier.

I could basically see the girls wiggling around in lust just from the sight of him.

But too bad for them, that bad boy is mine.

Jake is all mine.

"Elodie, baby, sorry I couldn't make it to lunch today, I had a few... errands to run". His eyes cloud over as his mind starts to wonder away, I quickly speak up, snapping him out of his trance.

"Ugh, it's ok darling, just not again ok?" I warn him. I started prancing towards his motorcycle when his words cut me short.

"Is that a threat?"

I turn around to see his eyes now holding a dangerous yet playful glint. A smirk slowly spreads across his face as he looks me up and down.

A warm sensation spreads through my body, settling at the pit of my stomach.

Jake sees the lust in my eyes and quickly takes a few steps towards me closing the distance between us.

"You know there's a bathroom just a few meters away from us don't you baby? How about you show me what my punishment would be if I was to ever disobey you again." He purrs as he kisses down my neck causing me to shiver and squirm under his hot breath.

I'm about to give in, but I quickly snap out of it.

"Jake!! You're disgusting, come on just drive me home already."

Jake gives me a throaty chuckle before shaking his head slightly.

"Dammit I thought I had you for a minute there babe" he says as he hands me his helmet and hops onto the bike.

I jump onto the bike after him, wrapping my slender arms securely around his muscular torso. I stare at the back of his head which is covered in thick black hair.

I love his hair.

It's slightly shorter on the sides of his head, not a short buzz cut though, as it has grown out a bit. The top is flicked over to the side, slightly tousled and fluffy.

He turns his head and flashes me a heart melting smile and a wink before running his hand through his hair, pushing it away from his face.

"Where is your helmet?" I ask him in concern. He just laughs.

"I'll be fine baby don't worry your pretty little head about it." Jake answers before revving the engine and roaring off down the road, leaving black skid marks on the school's footpath.


Thankyou everyone for reading! I know it's not too exciting at the moment but I'm getting there just bear with !😋 please vote! Or comment/inbox me if you have any questions or ideas for this story!

Mwah ⚡️💙

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