Hermione Granger was never who she thought to be, when she accidentally gets left behind at Malfoy Manor she find her true self. Will her force immortality drive her to insanity or save those she has left she cares for? Can she get her revenge on th...
I made it the garden to find Narcissa Sitting on a bench, she seemed to be staring at a dying rose bush directly in front of her. "Come have a seat with me, Amelia."
Taking a seat beside her, took a swig from the bottle I still held. I was slowly starting to feel the liquor hit me, and I was liking the feeling. Narcissa was staring at me as though I were a China doll, reaching out her hand slowly like she were afraid to brake me.
"Narcissa I promise your not going to brake me, I don't think you could brake me if you tried." She nodded knowing otherwise, deep down were I wanted to admit it or not, I was still brake able.
"Honey, pain is a given when you've been through so much. Wether we want to admit it, it's there and covering it don't always work." She spoke as though she had been broken herself.
"Narcissa, can you promise me that when Blaise is in your care you will look after him as your own?" I may be immortal though that didn't mean I would always be by his side.
"Blaise is been a part of this family for a long time now, I would do anything to make sure he was cared for." She watched me for a while, "your have a place in this family too, and always will darling."
"Thank you," she had told me what I was there for. All I had left to do was go home, and start with my preparation for the next few months.
And that was how my conversation went with Narcissa.
Severus ~
It had been a while since she had apparated back into her chamber, it was quiet for quite some time. Until there was the sounds of her screaming, which alarmed me. What had the poor girl gotten herself into now?
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Walking into her room, only to find that she wasn't there. Broken glass lay astray across her floor, her balcony doors hung open, the silver curtains blowing in the night air. Aside from the broken glass that looked to be a tumbler, was as though a monk lived in her room, everything so neat. Looking around again I realize no one was hurting her, she was drunk and it was time I find her. Before she caused harm to herself, the Dark Lord wouldn't be very forgiving.
Walking out her bed chambers and down the halls listening for her. There was an angry scream, from the drawing room. The scream was followed by a loud crashing sound, storming into the room, I find her standing barefoot in the middle of the room or what was left of the room.
She stood there looking around, before nodding and trying to take another swig of firewhiskey from an empty bottle. When nothing went into her mouth she looked at it, groaned and threw it into the opposite wall of the room, shatters the bottle adding glass to other wrecked items among the room. Anything breakable was broken, furniture turned upside down or broke into pieces, portraits hung sideways or on the floor. I guess you could say she redecorated the room In a way.
"You left me all alone!" She was yelling at the only portrait still hanging right. It was of a family, semi sad parents, a lost and sad girl, and a baby. They where all looking at her with tears running down their faces. "You didn't even try! I sacrificed myself for the family and you stayed here and continued by making a new member of the family." She stopped her yelling looking to a cabinet that seemed a little intact. Walking through glass, she grabbed yet another bottle of fire whiskey.
The family portrait watched the girl move about, she was a wreck. Drunk, hurt, lost, and confused. The man looked up at me, "Severus please help!"
"Oh so the one who wouldn't help me can ask for help? What about me?! Don't you think I deserve answers... Father!" She spit the last word like it was venom. There was something going on here, the girl in the portrait moved out and into a smaller one on the floor next to Amelia's feet.
"Mia, pick me up please?" She looked down to see her sad and dead sister in the smaller frame next to a broken tumbler on the floor. Amelia set her bottle of fire whiskey down, then pulled the small frame to her chest. "Mia! Listen to me!"
She pulled away, "yes?"
"Take me upstairs, I can't leave this room unless you create a portrait for me to go into. I need your help Mia." Amelia looked around the room, finding a place to set down her sister. She looked her in the eyes and left the room.
All I could do is watch as she passed like nothing had ever happened, her sister seems to have a lot of sway in what she does. Looking to the small frame with the girl, "How did you get her to do that?"
The girl looked pained, but still she answered. "Amelia is a simple yet complex person. Family is the most important thing to her, no-" She cut off looking me up and down in a way that reminded me of her sister. "How do I know I can trust you? She's already been through so much."
"I need to know how to help her, Miss Zabini." She watched me for a while.
"Family, care for her Severus." Care for her? What does she think I was going to do? Throw her to the giants? Or better yet the werewolves?
"I wouldn't be here if for anything else," she turned her head with a smirk on her face.
"I hope you've gotten over Lily, Amelia is better suited to you."