Hermione Granger was never who she thought to be, when she accidentally gets left behind at Malfoy Manor she find her true self. Will her force immortality drive her to insanity or save those she has left she cares for? Can she get her revenge on th...
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Amelia ~
The moment my feet touch the ground of Malfoy Manor, I was pulled into the ballroom by a masked figure. The circle of the other masked figures parted for me to enter to the middle, there I heard Bella's voice from under the mask. "Kneel, Darling."
It was odd to hear Bellatrix Leastrange use such endearments after all the anger and hatred from between us, but I did as told. Voldemort walked up to me, moving his hands above his head in a circling motion. "Today we welcome a very special witch to our ranks. Amelia Rose Zabini! She will serve and belong to the family that the Dark Mark creates." With that the Dark Lord put his wand to the forearm of my left arm. It stung, burned, and felt as though he were trying to rip that area apart cell by cell. When he pulled the wand away, there lay a snake moving through the open mouth of a skull.
"Rise Amelia,"I rose to my feet. He gave me an odd smile on his creepy snake like face. "Welcome to the Darkness."
Bowing, "Thank you, my Lord."
He nodded, "Your all dismissed."
Everyone left whispering, 'thought that girl was dead?' and 'Heard she killed a Ministry Official for pure revenge tonight.' or my favorite 'Wonder how long she will last?' These little comments made me laugh.
Turning back to the staring Dark Lord, I had a few thoughts he might find interest in. "My Lord, could we talk about a few things?"
"Of course, follow me to my office if you would." Nodding I follow him down a corridor. Walking right into the Malfoy study as he rounded a desk. "Have a seat Amelia."
"My Lord, I was thinking about where our side currently stands in the war, and think maybe I could help." Stating the fact we are losing in a simple and respectful way, without actually saying it.
"Go ahead," he waved his hand beckoning me to sit and continue. So I do, sitting in the chair on the other side of his desk.
"Well i am immortal right?" He nods. "What if we made your most loyal followers immortal as well? Then you would have a handful of immortal soldiers," handing out my idea like it was tea. Hoping that Severus would be on that list, I hadn't known who my Amortentia was until earlier today. Hoping on all things good and bad that seeing my memories would change his mind about Lily.
"That's not a bad idea," he thought for a while before continuing. "We would need six of these potions, but how would we get it done?"
"I know how to do it, though I will need another pair of hands and a few weeks to do this."
"Of course, I'll have Severus take you home with him tonight. He would be a great person to help you, and I am sure he can help you with any injuries you may have." He placed his hand over his right arm for a moment. "You should speak with your brother he goes back to Hogwarts tomorrow. It will be his and your decision whether or not he become immortal or not. If so you'll need to add another potion."
"Yes my Lord. Though I must warn you, it will take you back to the way you looked at eighteen. i hope your okay with that."
He nods before acknowledging someone over my shoulder, "Ah Severus. You will be working with Amelia on a complex potion for a while, she will be staying with you."
"Actually my Lord, is it possible we do this at my home? I know most would say I'm weak, but honestly I miss my home, it's been so long." I know showing weakness was a bad thing to do in front of him, but can we give a girl a brake?
Severus looked to me in surprise, but still nods. "I could set up a lab somewhere. and we need to get you set up, to be yourself again anyway."
"Then it is set, have fun you two." The Dark Lord smirked as Severus helped me out of the chair and apparated us away from Malfoy Manor.