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Amelia ~

I wasn't expecting the sudden apparation, my chest felt weighted. Eyes watering and seeing nothing but darkness. The push and pull was great feeling as though it were trying to rip me apart. Just as quickly as it came, it all went.

Blinking my eyes a couple times, pushing away the burning feeling that resigned there. Eyes blurred while they tried to focus on structure in front of me. Before me loomed a huge castle style Manor. The exterior a tanish grey, windows dirty, bushes and trees wild, a pile of leaves blocking the large wooden doors. It had changed quite a bit since I was last here, hopefully the inside didn't look so unlike home.

With the flick of my wand, the front of the house started fixing it's self up. When it was done, it did look like home, with the snow on the ground it reminded me of childhood memories with my sister. Playing in the snow just of the path to the front door, snow angels, snow wizards and witches, snowball fights, and whirling in circles as the snow fell from the grey skies, giving us something pretty out of the groom.

Shaking my head to clear the memories, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. I missed my family, Blaise will be leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow and soon Severus would have to leave me too, leaving me to deal with the haunting past and anguish on my own yet again. Placing my best blank face on I walked up the snow covered path for the doors that drew me closer and closer.

When I opened the door there was no surprise in seeing the entry room, it was preserved to always look like this

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When I opened the door there was no surprise in seeing the entry room, it was preserved to always look like this. With the misleading stair case, it was the way we kept our family safe. If someone opened the door at the top without the password, then they would instantly die. Silly maybe, but Dad had good intentions.

I felt like a child coming home from Hogwarts on Holiday yet again, practically running across the room to the door of my Father's study

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I felt like a child coming home from Hogwarts on Holiday yet again, practically running across the room to the door of my Father's study. The room was completely the same, and looked as though he was just there, as if I'd just missed his departure. The only thing off about the room, was the absence of him, it felt so empty. Walking around the room in disappointment, I knew he wouldn't be there and yet there in my heart was the emptiness, hurt, and disappointment of his absence. Would every room in the house feel like this? Looking over I find the book my Father and I had been reading before going back to Hogwarts. Picking it up, only to find it on the page we had last read. Had he left it here for me? Waiting on me to come home to read it with him again? Did my Father ever come to terms with me disappearing? I dropped the book back on the table like it had burned me, the feeling of failure hit me like a brick wall. "I'm sorry Papa," whispering to the empty room.

Truly Me Amelia ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now