Severus' Amortentia

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Severus ~

The conversation I had with Amelia's dead sister was a kicker. A puck to the gut, one that hurt yet made you wonder, think and want to try harder. Obviously there was a lot still unknown, so much to discover. The biggest thing I had on my mind was Amelia. Was she coping? As Strong as she appeared? Or was she lost, confused, and dying on the inside? She was still held prisoner, prisoner to her own pain.

Pacing across the floor in the study that connected out sleeping chambers. Waiting, listening, and occasionally peaking in on her. Then it sank in, she need a high quality soul resurrection potion brewed to complete the portrait.  Only then could Sereina be in two portraits at once.

With curiosity, quietly walking into her chambers. I find that she has paintbrushes magically going on an image of Sereina from her memory. Looking around to the side, to see Amelia stood over a cauldron. Moving closer, sniffing the air, and peering over her shoulder, only to discover she was succeeding at a very complicated brew. That admittedly not even I have brewed, through I never had a reason to.

"You did not tell me you could make such a difficult potion Amelia." Being too focused on her delicate and precise movements, taking no noticed of the fact I had called her by name aloud.

"Did you call me, Amelia?" She turned slightly, looking me in the eyes. Shock was apparent, but something else flashed across her features quickly before hidden under a well trained mask.

"It would seem so," staring at the side of her stone like face. "Would you prefer not?"

"Well it would only be fair to let me call you Severus, if you plan to continue using my given name." She shrugged her shoulders, looking as through she cared not of the matter.

"I see no reason as to why we must stay on a last name basis," the truth was I had seen too much just to keep up my wallowing over lily. She nodded her agreement.

For an hour I paced the floor just behind her, thinking of the past and present. A sicking noise caught my attention, she was in the home stretch of the potion. The last thing she need was to add lily petal and let set for a night, ironic maybe. She began convulsing where she stood, bleeding from her ears, nose and eyes. The effects of the curioatis curse gone in treated. Amelia hit the floor, jostling her potion as she continued to violently shake.

"Amelia!" In two strides i was at her side, "why didn't you tell me?" I was angry, yet broken at the sight of her in this state. Broken? I'd only ever felt that way once. Pulling her into my arms, lifting up and moving her to the bed just a few feet away.

There I lay her, looking her in the eyes for permission before accompanying her. Pulling her closer to me muttering my reason at her slight and useless attempt to push me away, "Physical contact helps." Stated at me for a long while, "Trust me Amelia."

Making a small but noticeable movement as if he were nodding, she closed her eyes. Moving her hand to mine she spoke as I smoothed her hair with the other. "The petal Severus."

"It can wait," I shushed her before putting a kiss to her forehead.

"Please," she choked out.

It would only take a moment and I knew that, but was having trouble moving away from her. Taking the lily petal from her hand, shocked it brought no emotional effect. Quickly striding to the simmering cauldron, I added the petal and stirred clockwise four times. In three long strides I was back to her side, laying at her side rubbing out the pain she felt.

After she quit shaking in all, Amelia succumbed to the dark realm of sleep. Standing I quickly checked her potion, before conjuring another cauldron and searched her ingredients cabinet. Where I found the ingredients I needed to make amortentia, the love potion.

After the shock of not being emotionally bothered by the lily petal, I began to wonder why, only to be distracted by Amelia's scent. It smelled familiar, yet distant. The last time I actually sniffed this particular brew, had been in my educational years at Hogwarts. I refused to teach it to my students for the fact I knew lily wasn't my amortentia and never found who the scent belonged to. Here and now had me thinking about it, wondering if it was Amelia all this time?

Hours ticked by, every moment I had to think always drove me back Amelia's side. Where I lay, watching her face as she slept. Then back to the cauldrons, after three long hours, my potion was done.

After letting it cool, I bent over the cauldron and took a long, deep breath of the scent that drifted up. Green apples, herbs, paint, old tomes, parchment, and ink. It was the same distant smell, the one I never found. Yet, I had.

My amortentia was the unconscious, broken, and angry woman that laid soundlessly just feet from where I stood. The lost, but recently found, Amelia Zabini.

Looking to her now, it seemed as though I saw her in a new way. Not just broken, angry, crazy, and out for revenge. A woman who needed someone to care for her, love, and show her the way. Even if that meant I had to show the softer side of me more often, or help her get her revenge. It also meant I had found my side of the war, whatever side she stood on was the side he would stand beside her. There was so much to do and so little time to do it. I wanted her at my side at all times, and far away from that dungeon if I could get my way, even if that meant taking up Alibus' bed chambers. Of course I would change it to be more Slytherin, but not the dungeons all the same. Make her my headmistress. It couldn't be that hard to find a potions teacher could it?

Taking out a quill and piece of parchment from the desk in the study, I wrote a quick note to Lucius and Narcissa.


I write to you at this hour for help. I have found my amortentia after all this time. Amelia. Seen bits and pieces of her memories of the torture she went through at the hands of Lily. If she were still alive I'd kill her myself! The problem is I don't wish to put her back in the environment she was hurt in. I'd rather keep her at my side as headmistress, whether or not how extraordinary she is at brewing. Hoping that you would help me? By becoming the new potions professor. Send me an owl or come see us at the Zabini Manor by morning.

S. S.

Attaching the letter to the owls leg it flew off to find Narcissa. With a sigh of desperation, I lay back beside Amelia, pulling her into my chest. Hoping on all thing sacred Narcissa would come threw for me.

Truly Me Amelia ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now