The Doctor is in

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Finally reaching her house, after trying not to fall out of the wobbling ship and keeping her balance, she bursted through her door and ignored the puddles she left behind as she walked into the living room. There, a man was kneeled beside her sickly mother, but she knew it was the doctor she had entrusted her mother with. He was proven to be the best there was. Even so, that title gave Iolana no hope of her mother being saved from whatever it was that was killing her. "Can you help?", she asked, showing him the girl in her arms.
The doctor, Dr. Oshean, looked at the girl in Iolana's arms with wonder, and confusion then nodded, "of course! Put her down there! Gently!" Dr. Oshean grabbed his bag and moved over to where Iolana put her. He began to whisper to himself as he often did while working, "I've never seen a species like this! She must be a hybrid! Well well, let's see what we have here," he examined her features closely as he muttered things to himself, "obvious a little fish in here... OH! Gills! Not just any gills... shark! Unmistakable! Webbed fingers... hair..."
        He started opening her mouth and eyes, "hmm teeth are beautifully sharp! Ouch! A little too sharp... good eyes... Oh! Heterochromic! Hmmmm... those dots are strange though... these braids, not like the rest of the hair... Ow! Obviously a little jelly there too! Yes, mhm! A wonderful set of genes might I say!"
           After finishing examining that aspect of her, he went to the wounds, "malnutrition, dehydration even with all this rain, and these wounds," he started patching up the worst of the wounds, having to also take out bits of seemed to be-, "metal?! These aren't normal in anything... an explosion I presume but how is she still alive!?"
         He had patched up all the wounds. "Iolana could you hold her nose shut?" He had already put covers on her gills to prevent her from using them as back ups. He took out drinkable water and poured into her mouth hoping she would swallow it. She did, he continued until she had drunken at least half of what he had brought, of course letting her breath in between. Not being able to help the malnutrition until she awoke, he turned to Iolana, "where did you find this girl?"
Iolana set her down and stole a glimpse of her mother. She was tempted to ask the Doc for her conditions and hoping they haven't worsened. It was when he began to observe the girl like a scientist did she get a bit mad. "Hey, she isn't so e experiment. Stop looking and start doing, please! She is dying!", she snapped. ~Doctors...~, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. At his question, she looked out the window at the grey, stormy ocean. "I found her in a boat just floating by the ship."
"I can't give some people the same as other when they have genetics like this! What might help some might poison another! And this girl is a hybrid! I should be even more careful!" He meditated on her answer of his question, "that peculiar... and there was no one with her? No note?"
Iolana shook her head. "Not that I saw. And if there was anything it might've fallen out or got swept by the storm."
Dr Oshean thought for a bit, "well, have me informed immediately if she wakes up. But don't leave her alone when she wakes up she may be scared that whoever owned her will come to take her back. Oh and please try to feed her when she wakes up, she's half starved but I can't do much while she's asleep. It can be anything really, with her genetic mixture. Plankton, though I wouldn't recommend that, fish, crustaceans. And please none of your personal food, I wouldn't want you to use all your food. She is going to be HUNGRY! When she wakes up. Oh! My apologies, I haven't asked, do you want me to take her to my office? You know, take her off your hands? You seem busy enough with taking care of everything."
She listened and nodded as he talked. But, she was no fool. Dr. Oshean was a doctor. And like most doctors, they want to poke and prod. He's not doing that with this girl. "Oh, I can handle my responsibilities, doctor. Don't worry about me.", she said, smiling a bit.
"Alrighty then I'll see you when she wakes up or if her condition gets worse" Dr. Oshean walked out into the hard winds and the pouring rain.
Iolana sighed and took a look at the girl before moving to her mother's side. Her hand swept black strands from her face. Her expression dulled as she laid her head to rest on the couch by her mother's side. She fell asleep to the rocking of the storm.

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