Chapter: 7

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Our clothes still stained with Vince's blood Dom grabbed a shot gun while I watched, we had to find Jesse. I followed him towards our car but Brian pulled up and blocked us in.

"Dom put the gun down now." Brian yelled pulling out his hand gun and ducking behind the car door. I don't blame him, if I had a gun right now there's no place that would be safe for him.

"Move your car." Dom ordered, opening the drivers side door.

"No, bull shit. Put it down now." He screamed again. "No more running."

"I'm not running." Dom shouted slamming the door shut and walking towards Brian.

"Where's Leon and Letty?" Brian asked, standing up.

"Long gone." I spat at him shaking my head, I couldn't believe he pretended to love this family. I couldn't believe how good of an actor he was.

"Then it's over." Brian stated, his gun still trained on us. "I didn't call the police but don't push me, put the gun down now."

"You are the cop." I finally screamed. "Brian, you are the cop. You lied to everyone, to me. You're lucky I'm not holding a gun right now. We got to find Jesse before they do, so I swear to god Brian you better move your fucking car out of our way."

"I'll call in the plates." Brian suggested. "PD will pick him up way before Johnny even gets near him."

I scoffed shaking my head, Dom cocked the shot gun and glared at Brian. "Move your car." Mia came out and started yelling at us to stop. "Stay out of this."

The sound of a car driving up caught our attention, Jesse stepped out of the Jetta and sighed. "Dominic, I'm so sorry." I almost started crying when I saw him standing there, in one piece. I ran over to him and threw my arms around his waist. "I don't know what I'm doing Dom. I'm so scared right now, I don't know what's going on."

"Jesse, what were you thinking man?" Dom questioned, throwing the shot gun to the ground and shaking his head.

"I don't know, I panicked. I'm sorry." Jesse cried hugging me back. I don't know what I'm doing, can you please help me."

I looked up at Dom who was starting at something else, I followed his eye line and saw two motorcycles coming towards us at full speed. "Oh, my god." My eyes widened as they pulled out guns and started shooting.

It all happened so fast, I looked at Dom who was running across the grass trying to get to us and then Brian who ducked behind his car. I felt a short hot pain through my stomach and I fell to the ground, I looked down and saw red spreading.

"Dom's arms picked me up and held me against him, Mia grabbed at Jesse sobbing into his chest. Dom cupped my face and looked at me in the eyes telling me I was going to be fine. I nodded even though I didn't believe him, I already felt my body flooding with endorphins making me go numb and I tasted blood.

"Go." I urged him, nodded towards Brian who was jumping into his car. "I'll be fine remember." He looked at Mia who begged him not to go then back to me, he leaned down and kissed me, not just some quick peck it was more like a "you better be alive when I get back kiss.

I watched him leave and I felt my eye lid get heavy, and I did something I haven't done since my brother left when I was ten. I prayed.

I thought I was dead. When people get shot they're supposed to die, plain and simple but instead of waking up in a meadow with some angle telling me I had passed on I awoke in a hospital room, with a constant beeping in my ear. Groaning, I tried to sit up but immediately stopped when pain flooded my system.

I heard the door open and I rolled my head in the doors direction, smiling at what I saw. Dom quietly closed the door and walked towards me, he cupped my face and kissed me.

"We need to get out of here. Now." Dom stated pulling out a pair of clothes from the bag he was holding. "There are cops talking to the doctors right now, I barley made it past without them seeing me.

"Dom, what's going on?" I asked. Where is everyone?" Dom bowed his head and I knew something was wrong. "Dom, what's going on?"

"Jesse's dead." He stated. "The teams already scattered and we need to move."

"Jesse's dead?" I shook my head not wanting to believe it. Jesse wasn't.... Couldn't be dead. "No, no no no."

"Hey, hey." Dom spoke trying to clam me down. "I need you to strong for me okay?  We need to get out of here so help me with your clothes."

I nodded and carefully sat up and swung my legs over the side. Looking outside I realized it was night, then a question popped into my head. "Dom, what happened to me?"

He sighed as he helped me with my shirt. "I don't know exactly, I only know what Mia told me over the phone. You got hit in the stomach, Mia called the ambulance and they rushed you here. They were able to get the bullet out in time."

I bit down on my tongue to make sure I didn't scream. "It hurts."

"I know, baby it know. He breathed. " We're almost done." I slipped on my jacket as Dom got a wheelchair for the far corner. " Okay, let's go."

We snuck past the cops, security and all the doctors. It was amazing that we didn't get caught, Dom loaded me into the car and then climbed in himself.

"Where are we going go?" I asked, getting comfortable.

"I was thinking Mexico." He smirked, looking to me. I smiled and gazed out the window, I don't know where we were going to end up but I knew I was going to be happy.

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