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Previously on Until It's Gone

                                                              ~ March 19th Wednesday ~

"I'm almost there Corey are you at the house?" I asked him over the phone. I was in my car heading back to our house. I am a little skeptical about Corey but I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean this is what I wanted right? I want him to finally come to his senses so we can work out our problems. But I still have my doubts.

"Yes. I am already at the house. I will be waiting for you."

"Okay, I will see you then." I hung up the phone and sighed. Why am I having second thoughts about this? I should be happy that my husband, the love of my life, wants to work out our marriage problems. I should be ecstatic, jumping for joy, but I am not. I just feel like this is so unreal. I thought this trip was going to help me decide what I was going to do. I guess not. I guess Corey catching me off guard kind of messed up my decision. I was so ready to divorce him and live my life. Now I am not sure anymore. At this point I am not even sure if I love Corey anymore. What that trip did do was help me to open my eyes to a lot of things which had me start questioning my love for Corey. Do I still love him or do I just didn't want to be alone? don't want to leave him because I'm afraid to be alone. I groaned and hit the steering wheel. I don't want to think about this anymore. I will just go to the house and see what Corey has to say. If I don't like it then I will leave. If I do like it we will be taking this slow. I want to see if he is really going to change or not. I will give him a few months to see if he actually changes. If he doesn't and he goes back to his old ways then I will leave him. I will not deal with him again. I will be done with him.

Thirty minutes later, I pulled into the house and got out of the car. I took a few deep breaths and prayed that this meeting goes well. Even if we do end our marriage, I don't want to end on bad terms. I want to end on good terms and come to an agreement when it comes to the divorce. I want to be able to end it quickly and not fight over anything. Knowing Corey I will be fighting, especially when it comes to me suing him for all the money he stole from me. Actually, if we do decide to work things out I will make him pay me back all that money and tell me what he bought for all of his mistresses. That ain't cool. After I said a prayer I went into the house and went looking for Corey.


"In here Stephanie."

 followed his voice and found him in the kitchen at the island. It felt so awkward just being in the same room with him after everything we've been through. The man I called my husband is now a stranger to me. It's like we're meeting for the first time.

"Hi." I said a little breathless.

"Hi." It grew silent for a while making it really awkward. Corey cleared his throat and pointed to the seat across from him. "Want to sit down and talk?"

I nodded and sat across from him. "Did you sign the papers?"

"No I did not but I will if this conversation doesn't turn out the way I want it to."

"Alright then, where do we start?"

"How about what do you want to do? Do you want to divorce or do you want to stay together and work things out?"

"I'm not ready for a divorce yet. At first I was ready to sign the papers. Then I left and started thinking. I finally came to terms that I didn't want to let you go."

"What changed your mind?"

"When I started thinking about the good times we have had and the problems we are having everything fell back on me."

Until Its Gone Part 2 (Sample)Where stories live. Discover now