Chapter 3

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~ Corey ~

"Mom would you stop." I said as I try to block her hits. After I told her the news she picked up a broom and started beating me with it.

"No. You stupid, stupid, stupid boy!" She continues to hit me with the broom until she grows tired and tosses it on the floor. "Dang it Corey, what did I tell you?"

"Not to be like my father and make up with Stephanie."

"And what did you do?"

"I screwed up and got Melonie pregnant." She just sighs and shakes her head before sitting down next to me.

"I'm so disappointed in you." She states while rubbing her forehead. My heart breaks when she those words leave her mouth. This is one thing I didn't want to do. Disappoint my mom by becoming like my dad but I did.

"I know mom."

"And I know Stephanie was heartbroken when she found out the news. How did she find out?"

"That's the thing. We were going to make up. I had already dumped Melonie but she showed up at the house while Stephanie and I were reconciling and dumped the news on me in front of Stephanie. After that Stephanie said she wanted a divorce. She signed the papers right there too." My mom shakes her head again.

"Stephanie is heartbroken. I know she is dying inside. Finding out that your husband's mistress is pregnant after having three miscarriages herself. Do you know what that does to a woman?"

"No mom."

"Exactly you don't. You ruined that woman just like your father ruined me. You promised me you weren't going to turn out like him."

"I know mom."

"No, I don't think you do. If you did you wouldn't have treated Stephanie the way you did. You don't understand what that does to a woman mentally and emotionally."

"She told me. She made it known all the pain I had cause her and how she felt. She didn't hold anything back. She expressed everything to me. I am jerk. I am a screw up. I broke my vows to Stephanie and my promise to you."

"I didn't want this for you. I didn't. I didn't want you to turn out like your father at all. Yet you did. Where did I go wrong?"

"Mom, it wasn't you okay. It was me. It was my decision not yours."

"Why did you do it? Why Corey?"

"Because I was in pain okay." I stand up and walk around the island and stand across from her. "I was in pain and wasn't happy with my life. After the miscarriages it was like my life went downhill. I was in so much pain and I didn't know how to handle it. So I blamed everything on Stephanie."

"And you didn't think she was in pain? How do you think she felt losing her children inside of her? That damages a woman."

"I know mom."

"And then she had to find out her husband was cheating on her not to long after. You abandoned her Corey and made her deal with this pain alone. I can't feel sorry for you. I can't. You're talking about the pain you went through after losing your kids but what about Stephanie? She had to deal with the pain of losing three children and a cheating husband. Back to back Corey. No room to breathe. You hurt her just like your father hurt me. I didn't want this for you."

"I know mom." I sigh. "I went about things the wrong way. After losing the kids I didn't know how to release my pain and anger and the closest person was Stephanie. So I started blaming her for everything. From then on my anger and pain grew. I wanted her to feel how I felt so I distanced myself from her and started cheating."

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