Chapter Four

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~ Stephanie ~

I gather my stuff and start to head downstairs to face my doom. The closer I got to the bottom the voices start to clear up. I hear two female voices. I am guessing Melonie is here with one of her friends and bragging about how she took Corey from me when in reality she didn't. I could have kept fighting for Corey and got him back but I didn't want to. After years of fighting I grew tired and couldn't fight anymore. Why keep fighting when all I am going to do is tire myself out and lose? I couldn't do it anymore. So I gave him to her. She can deal with his mess. She can deal with all his mistresses. When I get to the bottom of the steps and start heading towards the door their talking cease. Just as I came into view so did Melonie and her friend. She rolls her eyes and cross her arms.

"Why are you in my house?" She asks like this was really her house that she pays bills in. I almost laugh when she said that but I keep my cool. She actually thinks this is her house. Legally it's mine and Corey's house. She is the one trespassing. If she doesn't believe me she can ask her lawyer boyfriend.

"Well for one this isn't your house. My name is on this house alongside Corey's. Legally I can kick you out and have you arrested for trespassing on my property. I still have the key to my house and I let myself in to get all my possessions. You can't kick me out because your name isn't on this house. It isn't yours. Just because you are screwing Corey doesn't mean all of a sudden everything that is his and mine becomes yours. If he were to die today I would get everything because I am his wife. You'd probably get some money because of the baby. Other than that you will get nothing. I wouldn't allow it. Now if you will excuse me, I will be getting the rest of my things." I start heading towards the door again but stop when she starts to talk again.

"You can't stand it can you?" I turn around and face her then place my bags on the ground.

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't stand the fact that I am having Corey's baby. You can't stand the fact that I can give him something you can't. Now that I am living in the house you and your husband picked. Which by the way is gorgeous. You are jealous." She was right about all of that and I won't deny it.

"You know you are right. I can't give him a child and yes I am feeling some type of way about that but in the end you are going to have to deal with Corey and his ways. You're going to have to deal with mistresses constantly knocking on your door, calling your phone, coming to your house, going to your place business, claiming they are pregnant, and so on. You're going to have to deal with this. Not me."

"Corey will never cheat on me. I know how to get and keep a man."

"No, you know how to scam your way into living a certain lifestyle without having to work. You know how to wreck marriages and homes for your own personal gain. You don't care about the countless of lives you destroy because you are too greedy and selfish. But you know what?"


"All of this is going to come back on you. So enjoy your time living in someone else's house and having a baby by a man that wasn't and isn't yours. Go ahead and brag about ruining a home and breaking apart a marriage because in the end it is going to make you look bad. You're the one that's going to be called out of her name and looked down upon. So be proud. While you are doing that, Corey is screwing someone else."

"You're lying."

"No I am not. You're not the only Corey has been screwing. Think about it. If he wasn't with me when you came looking for him and he didn't contact you where do you think he was and what was he doing?"

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