Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

~ Corey ~

Did she really just smash into my car? Melonie shouts as she goes and examines the damage Stephanie did to her car. To be honest I was laughing on the inside because she deserved it but on the outside I was beyond upset. You can see it all over my face. I was so close to having Stephanie back and working on our marriage then here comes Melonie ruining everything with this pregnancy bomb shell. So I can careless about her car. All I want is my wife back. Corey. Did you not see what she did? She wrecked my car!!

UmI was out here and I have two eyes so yeah I think I saw it. I say sarcastically while placing my hands in my pockets.

And youre just going to stand there and not say anything about it?

Hmmnope I think Im good. She ruined your car just like you ruined my chances of getting back with my wife.

Oh so thats what you are mad about. She turns and face me while crossing her arms. Corey, I didnt ruin your chances of getting back together with your wife. You did that all on your own I just sealed the deal.

And you are happy about that?

Look Corey, just because you broke up with me doesnt mean I was going to let you just walk away from you. Weve been together for years and I caught feelings. Did you really think you could just walk away from me?

Yes, yes I did. I explain to you that I didnt want to be with your anymore and work things out with my wife.

And I explain to you that I wasnt just going to let you walk away from me. Corey, I love you and want to be your wife. I want us to raise our child together and be a happy family.

Do you think I am going to be happy about this?!

Yes! You should be!! This is your child!! Something youve always wanted!!

A child is something I always wanted but it wasnt something I wanted with you!! I saw her wince once the words left my mouth. I knew I hurt her feelings when saying this but its the truth. Over the years I just stop having any feelings towards Melonie and just wanted to use her for pleasure.

How can you say that?

Because its the truth. I didnt a want to have a child with you at all. I wanted one with my wife.

So all those things you said over the years was a lie?

At first it wasnt but then yes it started to become a lie. Honestly, I never really wanted a family with you to begin with.

So what changed?

You did.

What do you mean?

You changed Melonie. When I first met you I thought you were a breath of fresh air and I did want to have a relationship with but then you got too land lazy. You quit your job, started asking me for money, and your attitude change. You became this snobby rude stuck up person and started going crazy. Then you started to talk about my wife like you knew her and going after her like she did something wrong when it was me. You just became this wild, indolent, narcissistic, diva who wants to live off of her man. Im not use to that. I am use to a modest woman who has her own and can take care of herself without a man. I am use to a woman who wants but dont need a man. You just changed and it made me sick. Thats why I didnt want to have kids with. I didnt want you raising my child to be spoil and think the world owes them something.

So you think I will be a bad mother?


Okay Corey. She nods her head and wipes the tears away that had fallen down her cheek. Well this wild, indolent, narcissistic, diva is about to have your child and move right up in this house. We going to be a family whether you like it or not. Try me Corey and I will put you on child support and get full custody of my child so you wont see him/her.

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