Chapter 1

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~ Stephanie ~

"Stephanie wait!" I shake my head and walk out the house not wanting to hear his B.S. I am done with them both. I can't take it anymore. This is the last straw.

"I don't want to hear it Corey. I want the divorce."

"Just hear me out." He grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop. I turn to face him with tears in my eyes.

"I already heard you out Corey. This is too much. I can't deal with this Corey. She is pregnant with your child. Your child Corey!!!How am I supposed to deal with that?"

"You are not supposed to deal with it. Look, I don't want the divorce Stephanie."

"Okay, so if we don't get the divorce how are we supposed to do this? Am I supposed to just accept the fact that you have a baby by another woman? A woman that you have been sleeping and cheating on me with for years?"

"No. I do love you Stephanie. I want to work things out but I can't leave her. She's having my child. I can't abandon her. I'm sorry." I couldn't do anything but slap him. He hasn't changed at all.

"I hate you. You have been nothing but horrible to me. I'm actually glad she came here because this finally opened my eyes to see what kind of man you really are. So just sign the papers and send them over to my lawyer. I am done. Have fun with her and your new baby. I wish you nothing but the best." I hop into my car and start it up. Just when I was about to back up I notice that Melonie's car was semi blocking me in. Not caring about anything anymore I back up hitting and moving her car out of my way. Then I drove off just as Corey and Melonie came running outside.

I know they are pissed. But I don't care. I should have gone with my first mind and just signed the papers. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt but that back fired. Everyone was telling me that Corey was bad for me. I just kept seeing the good in him hoping he would change. I was holding on to the past. Not really noticing or believing in the new Corey. Oh but now I see. Yes it will hurt but I need to move on. I do not need to dwell on the past anymore. I need to think about myself and live for me. But first I need to go see my best friend Andrew and cry my eyes out. I drive to Andrew's house. Andrew has been a great friend ever since I met him a few months back at Maverick's Enterprise. Then again at the party Malcolm, his brother, was throwing, that I was hired to cater for and invited to. He started off on the wrong foot with trying to get my attention but he made up for it with dinner. Ever since then we've been thick as thieves. Arriving at Andrew's place, the guard lets me in because he recognizes me from before and I am on Andrew's guest list. I park, get out of the car, and leave my things in it. Then I run up to the door fervently knocking and ringing the doorbell. Not long after, he answers. I didn't say anything. I just fall into his arms and started to cry. He didn't speak either. He picks me up bridal style, carries be inside the house, and kicks the door shut.

"What happened?" He asks after I finally stop crying. I just shake my head and look down at my hands. A few tears slip from my eyes. I furiously wipe them away. "Talk to me Stephanie!" He demands softly.

"I went to see Corey today. He texted me telling me to wait on signing the divorce papers. I called him wanting to know his reasoning why and we talked. He told me he wasn't ready to get a divorce. So we planned to meet. I went there as soon as I got back into town."

"I thought you were going to divorce him Stephanie? He is a cheater and will always be a cheater."

"Let me finish, okay!" I stand up and face him. "I thought he changed. We talked and he told me he wanted to work things out. That he would do anything I asked of him in order to fix our marriage. I agreed and was going to make him sign a contract stating that if he ever cheated on me again we will divorce and I basically get everything."

Until Its Gone Part 2 (Sample)Where stories live. Discover now