Part 5

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"Put your guns down!" The man yelled. You had never seen him or the other men before, but the way Daryl was looking at him, you could tell he knew him. "And you, with the dead girl in your lap." You looked into the eyes of the man. His face was horribly scarred on one side and you wondered what may have happened, but you didn't really care at this time. "Stand up and keep your hands where we can see um." He demanded.

You placed Denise's head onto the ground and slowly got up. You kept your hands where they could see them, but not in the air. You didn't want to stoop to these assholes' level. Daryl and Rosita were doing the same as you. "Who the fuck are you?" You demanded to know.

"I'm D, or Dwight. Whichever you prefer." Dwight gave you a small bow after introducing himself. He was a cocky son of a bitch, that was for sure. He then let his eyes run up and down your body without even trying to hide the fact that he was doing it. You cringed at the thought of what he wanted to do to you, but you stood tall and didn't back down. "He was right, you are hot as hell."

You knitted your brows together. Who was he talking about and how did this man even know who you were. He was giving you the creeps and the way the other men were ogling you, you knew they were probably thinking the same thing. "Who's right?" You decided to ask.

"Don't talk ta 'er!" Daryl growled at Dwight. He began to move to stand in front of you to protect you from him but Dwight aimed the crossbow he had at him. He stopped and grimaced at the man then eyed the weapon in his hands.

Dwight looked at the crossbow in his hands, then back up to Daryl while giving him a large, toothy grin. "Still getting the hang of her. Kicks like a bitch, but..."

"I should've done it"

"Oh, what's that? Seriously, I didn't catch what you said." Dwight cackled at Daryl.

Daryl looked straight into Dwight's eyes. Even with his hair in his face, you could still see the rage on his face. "I should'a killed ya."

"Yeah, you probably should've." He laughed at Daryl while rubbing the back of his neck. "So, here we are. Kind of begs the question, right? Who brought this on who? I mean, I get that you'll just have to take my word for this, but she wasn't even the one I was aiming for." He smiled again and laid his eyes on you indicating to the group that he was indeed aiming for you. "Like I said, kicks like a bitch."

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