Chapter 5

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I froze. Mina and the others just started.

"Goodbye..." He released me from the hug and turned around leaving.

"What... was... that.." I looked over to Jungkook. He shrugged smiling. He was obviously hiding something.

They said goodbye once more then left. Mina's face suddenly lit up. She was holding my arm and jumping up and down. "I SHIP IT! YuMin!"

I blushed slightly and hid behind my hair.

"This is perfect! -- wait are you...blushing????" She squealed.
She kept talking nonsense about her new ship and wouldn't let me leave.

"Ok, Mina I get it" I cleared my throat and did the best fangirl voice I could "YuMin is the best ship ever!!!!!!!"

She laughed and punched my shoulder for making fun of her.

"Now I'm going to bed. Goodnight Mina" I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. I'll get a shower in the morning. I got in bed and stared at the ceiling.

Does he like me?...

The thought kept running through my mind till I fell asleep.

**Tomorrow Morning**

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping. I turned over putting it on snooze.

After my shower, I changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top. I decided where a sweater also.

I walked clumsily to the kitchen seeing a note on the table.

'Sorry I'm not home. I had to leave. But I have a surprise for you. Don't go to your classes meet at the fountain
Love, Mina'

What could she possibly have up her sleeve? I threw my bad onto the sofa and started my walk to the fountain while listening to music. I put my hands in my pockets ignoring the questioning looks of my classmates. When I got to the fountain no one was there. It was completely deserted. Right as I sat down I got a text message.

'Turn around'

I didn't recognize the number but I turned around anyway. I saw Mina smiling widely walking over with something in her hand and someone walking behind her.
She gestured for to come over. I walked over to her and I saw she had plane tickets.

"What are those for?" I pointed to the tickets.

"Did you really think I would just let him go away without my ship sailing?" She gave me a ticket.

I realized that Jungkook was the one following her. "W-wait didn't you l-leave?"

He pulled out another ticket I assumed was for him. "I snuck away"

With two other tickets, Mina held my arm walking me to a car. "Our flight awaits"

We got in- Jungkook driving, Mina in shotgun, and me in the backseat.

I stared out the window still processing what was happening. Jungkook had turned on some music. And I recognized one of the songs. It was the song Jimin sang the one day I was watching the sunrise. I smiled at the memory and closed my eyes eventually falling asleep.

"Yuna wake up" I heard Mina's voice. I opened my eyes seeing that we were in an airport parking lot. My eyes fluttered getting used to the light.

"How long was I out?" I yawned. She shrugged and pulled me out of the car. I rubbed my eyes to see clearly.

Wow, this airport is huge.

I realized Jungkook was wearing all black, including sunglasses and a mask. Then I remembered he had to because ' He can't be recognized or he'll get chased by crazy fans'. I ignored the fact that he was an idol and sluggishly followed him and Mina.

~~ On the Plane ~~

'Attention passengers please put your seatbelts on and turn your devices off we are about to take flight. Thank you'

I buckled my seatbelt and looked out the window. To be honest I was nervous because this was the first time I've ever been on a plane.

After we left the airport and were now In the sky I decided to listen to some music to calm myself. I turned on some BIGBANG and fell asleep.

I woke up later and saw that Mina and Jungkook were both asleep. I didn't want to wake them and I couldn't fall asleep so I went onto Instagram to check out BTS' account.

Wow ...

I liked all the pictures and looked at some other accounts. I noticed some pictures of the members and saw that Jungkook was missing.

'Guys Jungkook is missing where is he'

'Where is our Kookie'

'What happened to Jungkookie'

There were so many, too many to count.

Hoped ya liked it ('')

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