Chapter 6

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"Mina~" I poked her face trying to wake her up.

"Miina~" I poked her face a couple more times.


Her eyes shot open. "What!?"

I smirked seeing how mad she was. "Look." I showed her my phone so she could see the comments about the 'missing Jungkook'.

She glared at me. "You woke me up because of that?"

I nodded. "Yeah. People are worried about Jungkook missing and it's your fault. You were the one who came up with the idea."

"Yuna... He was the one who had the idea." She glared at me.

"Oh" Well that's embarrassing.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jungkook's scratchy voice broke the silence.

We woke him up, great. I showed him what his fans were saying. He shrugged it off and went back to sleep. I sighed and looked out the window. He seemed to care a lot -H-

-at the LA Airpot-

Jungkook gave us face masks. I don't know why though it's not like we're gonna get spotted we're just two college students. Well were.

We walked out of the airport but there was one problem...We didn't have any money with us.

"My Hyungs don't let me keep the money," Jungkook stated while trying to contact them.

"Why didn't YOU bring money" I pointed at Mina.

"He never told me to bring anything." She put her arms up defensively.

I sighed and leaned against a pillar. Jungkook walked away from us when he finally got a hold of someone on the phone. About a half an hour passed until finally, I watched as a van pulled up right in front of Mina and Jungkook.

Jungkook climbed in and Mina after him but I just glared at it.

"YUNA!!" Mina's yell broke me out of my focus. "GET IN NOW!"

Sheesh. I cautiously looked in the van and saw that there 6 people other than Mina, Jungkook. Some I did not recognize. I stood there a bit thinking whether or not this was a good idea not realizing that I was being pulled inside. Mumbling to myself I looked over to see who forced me inside of the suspicious van, I was face to face with Jimin. I quickly turned my head the other way and slouched.

I could feel the awkwardness I was spreading. Ugh, why am I so stupid. Why did I agree to this?

In the middle of me asking myself why was I even existing at this point and reached over me and place my seatbelt in place.

"Safety first," His soft voice echoed in my head. Hnnnn... T-T

My senses were tingling so I knew Mina was trying her hardest to not squeal. I turned back and glared at her, seeing that she was taking pictures. She quickly tried to make it look like she was playing a game on her phone.

I sighed. This is gonna be a long trip, isn't it...

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