Chapter 14

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"Yuna, you can calm down now. Just breathe, everything is okay," the sweet symphonic voice hummed. Jimin.

His hands rubbed my back in circles and other shapes. My face was buried in his shoulder leaving dark spots that marked where my tears fell. He gave me a gentle squeeze before pulling away.

If anything I could say I forgot why I was crying in the first place. It was as if he blocked out all the reasons to cry. His eyes glistened looking as if they too were going to spill.

"Jimin,.. There is no need for to cry too." I stuttered, giving him a small grin. He wiped his eyes and nodded smiling back.

The feeling of attention stung my face with warmth when I realized the others looking my way. Worry obviously detected on their faces.

"I'm fine, guys. Just a nightmare." I said. But even that didn't wipe away their expressions.

Mina, swiftly took a seat next to me, "You scared me half to death," she said before engulfing me in a hug.

Apologizing with a laugh, I hugged her back deciding to not tell her about the dream. The guys gave an input on how they were worried for me and asked if I was okay. I just nodded. Soon everyone left to go fetch something to eat to which I sighed in relief. But I realized that, Jimin, stayed put beside me.

"Are you not going to eat?"

"I'm waiting for you." He said. I looked at him confused. But something about his response made my stomach flutter. I pushed the feeling aside and went with him to the others.

They were fixing up a quick ramen meal since it didn't take much effort and Mina set the small table. It kinda felt like we were all family which was quite strange. We only knew each other for a couple days now so I hope you can see where I'm coming from.

I leaned on the table still feeling a bit tired. I was sort of relieved when I saw I wasn't the only one. Hoseok, was now lazily placed on a chair with his head leaning on, Yoongi.

I sighed and listened to Namjoon arguing with Seokjin on how to cook the noodles. Seokjin eventually made him leave because he almost started a fire.

Jungkook and Taehyung, leaned on the table as well and mumbled 'of course, Namjoon, would do that'. Them and Mina snickered.

Jimin, though, looked like he himself was going to pass out. I could relate strongly.

"Okay, the ramen's ready!" Seokjin announced, filling bowls one by one. Everyone eagerly hurried to the table grabbing a bowl.

The sound of slurping was almost nonstop. I could see Jungkook, Taehyung, and Mina trying to hold back there laughs as a noodle flipped up into Hoseok's face getting some drops of broth on his cheek.

Yoongi nonchalantly wiped the broth away with the flick of his thumb earning a smile from Hoseok.

"I call not going dishes!" Jungkook quickly said. One after the other they all chanted that they weren't doing it other than Seokjin.

I collected everyone's bowls and set them in the sink cleaning each thoroughly. The feeling of the hot water felt relaxing and helped with the bit of anxiety that was rising. Seokjin grabbed a towel from a drawer and began drying the newly clean dishes.

"You doing okay?" He asked quietly. I nodded to him and continued washing. "Must've been a pretty intense nightmare."

I laughed lightly, "Yeah, but I don't remember much anymore so its all good."

Lying was almost too easy at this point. I finished the last bowl and glanced at the group of friends behind me. The boy who helped me was smiling his almost familiar smile. Something about how soft he looked made me smile as well.

Thank you.


Ahhh thank you for 1.99k !!

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