Once she closed the door and locked it again she pressed her back against it and released a breath she didn't even know she was holding. She placed her hands on the side of her face and shook her head while speaking mainly to herself.
"No, no, no, no! This can't be happening. Why is he here?!"
The girls went over to her and each placed one hand on her shoulders.
"Hey Hun. What's up?" Harper inquired.
"Yeah who shouldn't be here?" Jessa asked.
"You gonna have to fill us in a bit more? Do we need to hurt someone?" Jessa half joked.
"Drake," they stared at her waiting for more, "that jerk at school that I told y'all about. I don't need anyone to find out about the real me! Weekends are for me to have a break from that school. And he said he was one of Wayne's friends so Wayne's probably already told him things about me. Oh God. Why?" She rambled.
"Honey is it really that bad if he knows who you are? Like although he is a total dick you shouldn't be worrying about him so much." Harper said trying to comfort and calm her friend.
"I just don't need the distraction that comes with my appearance. I need to finish school and make it to help my Mom."
"You need to relax. We all can see you are working way too hard. You study non-stop and when you're not you are working 3 days a week from 4 pm to 11 pm to help your mom who is also working crazy hours, have an intense work-out schedule and worry about the jerks at your school. If you are not careful you will wear yourself out and crash. This cycle that you call your life isn't healthy" Jessa explained.
"I know but I have no choice."
"You know we are here for you always. Why don't you and your mom move back here where EVERYONE loves you and can support you two?" Harper asked
"I've already told you mom says it is safer where we are than here, even though I grew up here and could fight anybody who tries me, and plus you know I hate to rely on people."
"Ok, ok. Could we at least tell Wayne what's going on?" Jessa cautiously asked already anticipating her answer.
"Hell NO! Anything but that! We know how protective he gets." She said with her eyes wide shaking her head.
"Ok just promise us to focus on you ok?" Harper pleaded.
"I'll try. Can we just go?" Aurora asked both girls.
"Sure babe." They both said.
"Ugh he will probably be waiting for us out there but he didn't act like he knew who I was, I think he only knows that my name is Aurora and no one at school calls me that so he probs doesn't even know."
"See girl, what you stressing about? We will just go out and walked past and if he gives you any trouble we got you." Jessa confirmed.
Rory just nodded. They all checked their appearance in the mirror and all ran fingers through their hair and straightened their outfits in sync.
"Ok ladies just walk out, through the crowd, to the car and just go." Aurora reinforced their plan.
They turned to the door and Harper opened it. They walked out of the bathroom in single file, Harper in front, then Rory and then Jessa, with linked hands and Aurora's head down.
Sure enough he was there waiting.
"Hey, look I'm sorry if I frightened her or something. I didn't mean to. I ain't no psycho or pedo or anything like that, just ask Wayne. I just thought she was quite gorgeous and I wanted to get to know her." He pleaded his case to them as they passed.

Teenage Fever
FanfictionAurora is a beautiful mixed racial 17 year old who is a hardworking student. She has a body that is THE definition of thick. You would think boys would worship the ground she walks on, right? Unfortunately not, she chooses to wear baggy clothes allo...