The Heart Game Chapter 8 Fly With Me

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(2 months later)

As usual, Aria walked to the hospital to meet Chris. She brought flowers to change the old one in his room. She met Ren and Nadine at the lobby.

"Oh my God, Nadine!" Aria hugged her, "I haven't seen you in like forever."

"I've been busy," she laughed and hugged her back, "Harvard is crazy as hell,"

"I'm so proud of you," Aria squeezed her, "oh, right, are you still together with that tinder guy?"

"Stop calling him tinder guy," Nadine giggled, "well, no, Ryan and I are not together anymore. We're still friends though. Online friends. Whoa, Aria!" she suddenly exclaimed when her eyes met Aria's boobs.

"What?" Aria asked as she looked at it herself, thinking there's something wrong with it.

"Yours have grown bigger!" she squealed excitedly, "have you slept with Chris before the accident?" she whispered.

"What?! No!" Aria exclaimed, she slapped her best friend's shoulder playfully.

"Don't lie," Nadine gave her a grin.

"I'm a virgin," she sighed, "saving my v-card for later, after I'm married."

"Yeah, as in Chris' bride. In the end you'd be with him. So what's the wait?" she asked.

"Not ready I guess?" Aria replied.

Ren walked in the middle, "Guys, Chris' waiting."

"Right, lets go Aria," Nadine said and pulled her arm.

They walked to his room while chatting. Aria is less worried about Chris when Nadine's around. She knew her friend will help her carry the burden she's been carrying for months. Nadine had been out of town ever since she graduated from high school. Even though she can be a pervert and only cares about dating and boobs, she's a really smart ass. She got a full scholarship to Harvard without even worked hard for it. She was quite disappointed when Aria didn't apply to college only because of Chris' incident. But she's somehow proud of her best friend. She never knew Aria is willing to sacrifice that much for Chris. So she has made up her mind. If in any way Chris ever hurt Aria, she will definitely kill him and make it look like an accident. Now she's here, she wants to support Aria. And clearly, what they saw that day was unbelievable.

"Chris!" Aria ran to him and hugged him, "oh, God. Thank goodness. Chris."

"I found him staring at the window when I came in this morning," said Mrs. Greyson, she doesn't seem happy because everyone can see that she's frowning.

"I've missed you so much," Aria said, nearly in tears.

"Oh, dude!" Ren patted his back hardly.

Chris didn't respond. He just pushed them away.

"Sorry, Chris, I was too excited," Aria said, she noticed something different, "is everything okay?"

Chris looked at them and he was deep in thoughts and he asked, "Who the hell are you guys?'

"What?" Ren said, surprised.


"When I found him this morning, he can't remember who I am," explained Mrs. Greyson, "the doctor said that he's lost his memory."

"Due to what?" Ren asked, "is it because his head banged to hard on the street?"

She nodded, "There's a chance he'll remember everything. The doctor said he has a traumatic amnesia since it's because of a car accident."

"Can we meet Chris now?" Aria asked, "please."

"Aria..." Nadine said, "he says he doesn't want to see us right now."

"But I've waited for this moment for so long," she said, desperately, "please, Mrs. Greyson, I want to see him."

"Aria, I want you to see him," Mrs. Greyson said, she was shivering and a tear rolled on her cheek, "but he doesn't even want to see his own mother."

"I can't just leave him like that," Aria said, she looked angry.

Mrs. Greyson sighed, "Do as you wish."

Aria opened Chris' door. He still looked out at the window. Chris seemed to realize her presence but he tried to relax himself.

"Have you ever wondered what it feels like to fly?" he asked, suddenly.


"Free. Like one of those birds," he pointed out to the window.

"Have you?" Aria asked.

"I always have," he replied, "what's my name again?"

"Chris Greyson, " she said.

"I'm Chris Greyson," he said. He seems a little bit proud by his name.

"Uh huh," Aria nodded, "I know that."

"What's your name for goodness sake? You know mine. So let me know yours."

Aria smiled, trying to keep her tears from falling down, "Aria. I'm Aria Green."

"So, Aria, the doctor said to me, I'll be meeting a therapist for I don't know how long. What is the use of a therapist? Aren't I healthy enough? I just woke up from coma."

"The therapist will talk to you about some things and make you feel better. I don't really know either. I've never been to a therapist before."


"I can't believe it," Nadine said, "they're actually talking!"
"Aria always know how to make Chris feel better," Ren smiled, "come on Nadine, lets buy some lunch."

Chris had to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks since the doctor wanted full examinations on him. Ren and Aria couldn't visit him. The doctor said he needed Chris in a stable emotion so it's best if they don't see each other in a while.

"Mom, the hospital is so boring. Can I just get a medicine to cure my headaches? I want to go home," Chris complained, "you always tell me about how great my home is. I want to see it. So can I go now?"

Mrs. Greyson sighed, "I'm sorry, but the doctor said you can't go home yet."

"Then why isn't there anyone visiting me?"

"The doctor forbids everything that could make you in unbalance emotions."

"Am I allowed to do something here?"

"You could enter the teen community. That's what the nurse said."


So Chris showed up at the teen community. He saw a lot of younger people and saw a couple kids in high school. Their faces looked desperate. Easy to tell which one is the youngster and which one is not.

"Hi! Are you new?" greeted a girl, smiling warmly.

His heart beat faster when he saw the girl smiled. He was drawn to her immediately. Like a moth drawn to the flame. He couldn't took his eyes off her lovely smile. It was like something he has never seen before.

Meet Krista Evans, my new character! Hope you like her as much as I do. Well maybe not, because finally, Aria has a rival.

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