Chapter 8

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When I woke up the next morning. I was completely alone. I had no clue where Casnar or Emma went. I was alone. Once again. I've realized that I can't keep anyone in my life without them running off and leaving me. I was full of mud and I started to walk towards Casnar's home. Mainly so I could shower and wash my clothes, but when I got there the door was locked and the lights were off. Complete silence. I didn't know what to do, or what to think. There was no where for me to go, so I started looking for another way in. I checked to see if there was a back door, there wasn't. I checked to see if there was a window unlocked, and of course there wasn't. I didn't know what to do, so I grabbed a rock. I chucked it as hard as I could at a window even though it was just glass. Chucking the rock was a way to let out frustration. After I had broken the window I climbed in cutting my self in the process. Once I got inside I tried to find a light switch. I flipped the first one I found, nothing happened. The power was turned off. I would attempt to find the power box, but I'm not really good with that kind of stuff. I just continued to find the bathroom even if that meant I had to shower in the dark. I attempted to turn the shower on, but nothing happened. I was starting to think this was all a set up. That this was just a trap to get me back to this house, so somebody could bring me back to where I started. Try and make everything I have done to try and escape all turn out to be a waste of my time. Probably some dark twisted way to prepare me for something in life. If it was, I am quite ready for it to be over. I want this all to be over. I can't take it anymore. I left the house not knowing where to go from there. I was really starting to miss my acquired company. I was secretly hoping they were okay, and nothing happened to them and if not. I can't be surprised they left me.
To Be Continued

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