Chapter Five

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The week went by too quickly. Tyler accompanied me to school on Wednesday and early Friday morning, so it wasn't all bad, but the weekend was bittersweet.

For one thing, it meant I could see Mike again, but it also meant the return of Matthew. Matthew was to be home from Liverpool late Sunday night, and he wanted everything to be perfect when he arrived back home.

Not only was the house a mess, but I was too. I was seriously considering the validity of the  relationship Matthew and I shared, which is something Tyler encouraged greatly by listing off reasons why I should leave him right then and there.

Most of my free thoughts weren't occupied by the thought of Matthews returning, as they usually would be, but by Mike.

He gave off a rebel vibe, and as Tyler had said, I hadn't had any experience in that. It was always clean-cut country club boys for me.

I know so little of Mike, which adds to the bad boy image he held for himself.

I didn't think I would go- I knew that if I wanted to keep what I had with Matthew then I needed to stay away from him, but I didn't want to. I wanted to crack the mystery that was left. I wanted to know him.

And for once, things don't start with Tyler. They start with me trying my damned hardest on my appearance before I went to the club that night, in everything from my hair and makeup, to the black and coffee colored knit dress I wore.

I smooth it out and dial up Tyler, he answers on the fourth ring.

"Hello, Tyl-"

"I'm going out tonight." Tyler chokes, hacking up a storm for a few minutes. It takes him a minute to settle down before he can speak.

"I'm sorry, I must not have heard you clearly. Did you, Anna Penny, just say that you want to go out?" I purse my lips and think over the idea once more before slowly stating that he was in fact, correct. "Is there anywhere you want to go in particular?" I'm silent for a few more seconds.

"Yes... the uh, I hear the guy from the other night is playing again."

"You mean your boyfriend?" My cheeks turn bright red, and I let out a squeal of surprise.

"No! N-no way Ty-Tyler! Why would you uh... why would you even think that?" Tyler's response was only to laugh.

"All right, it's short notice, and it'll take me forever to get ready," he draws out the 'r's' on forever, showing off how dramatic he really was. "But I suppose we can meet there at ten. We don't want to get there late for your boyfriend, do we?"

"He's not-"

"Talk to you later, An!" I hear a click before the line goes flat, my queue that Tyler has hung up on me.

Since I was already ready to go out that evening, I made myself a cup of tea and found a book that I had been meaning to read. I pull it off my bookshelf and start to read.

I get so caught up in the book, each page pulling me further into the world and ideas that the book possessed that before I knew it, it was ten o'clock, and I still hadn't left.

I look up at the clock and mutter an 'oh shit' before rushing out the door, leaving my bag and everything else inside the house.

I make it there in less then two minutes, although I do have to take off my heels to run, and my hair gets a little messed up in the process.

I find Tyler waiting for me outside the club, leant against the doorway and smoking. He doesn't notice me at first, so after I put my shoes back on I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. Tyler is a pretty small guy- only 5"5, and while I'm only 5"2, with these heels I have a good inch and a half on him.

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