Chapter Ten

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Christmas morning, I discreetly got out of bed to go to the living room. Phyllis and I had decorated their Christmas tree last night while listening to an old Christmas record I had laying around from Dallas. We had been lucky this year because our families were coming down here to celebrate Christmas at my Uncle Chick's house later in the day. John would also be joining us, which was wonderful.

I had to call Anna to discuss where we should give each other our presents considering Phyllis didn't know of Anna. I lifted the phone to find her phone number still there, and smiled when I began to dial.

I tapped my foot impatiently, in fear of Phyllis overhearing my conversation, but to my pleasure Anna picked up the phone not long after it began ringing.

"Hello?" she said, curious and sweetness evident in her voice.

"Merry Christmas, Anna!" I exclaimed softly.

I could hear her playfully laugh, which made me grin like a fool. "Merry Christmas to you, too, Michael."

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to meet at the pond on campus so I can give you your Christmas presents at about, 10? I have a tight schedule and, um, I have to go to Dallas to visit my ma for Christmas." I felt guilty about lying, but couldn't help it. I'd love to spend all Christmas with Anna, but with Phyllis in the other room, I couldn't.

"You got me a present?" Her voice was barely audible, but she continued more cheerfully, "Of course we can meet! I can give you your jacket and hat back so you don't have to freeze." She chuckled lightly.

I checked my watch. It was already 9:30, and I still had to shower and put the books and hat in a bag. I couldn't wrap even if it saved my life, and Phyllis was struggling to teach me. "I'll meet you then, okay?" I said, grinning ear to ear.

"I'll see you soon," she muttered before ending the call. I put the phone gently into the receiver and made my way to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and searching for a decent bag for her presents. It took me time, but I eventually found one and some tissue paper.

I wrote a letter for Phyllis that read,
   'Had to get last minute Christmas gifts. I'll take you out for breakfast when I get home,
         Michael xx'

The note was believable and only half true, and out the door I went. I left my other jacket at home in hope Anna wouldn't forget the one I had let her borrow. It didn't take me long to get to the same bench we lay near the other day, and I sat down, rubbing my arms to create heat.

Eventually, at exactly 10, I saw Anna rushing to me, struggling to carry a guitar case and my jacket at the same time. I stood up, taking the guitar away from her when she finally approached me so she could be relieved from the weight.

"Hey," I said, smiling. She held out my jacket, which I gratefully pulled on, shivering.

She smiled and sat down on the bench. I sat down as well, the guitar case at our feet. I handed her the bag, and she began to take out the tissue paper carefully. She chuckled when she saw the wool hat, taking the one on her head off and giving it to me to put her's on.

"Thank you, Michael!" she said. I laughed.

"There's more," I said, pointing to the bag.

She raised a curious brow and took the books out, admiring them as if they were literature of gold. "I had been wanting these books for so long!" She put the books down next to her and hugged me. "Thank you so much," she said.

I responded to the hug by wrapping my arms around her, lightly squeezing before pulling away. She gently kicked the guitar case. "This is for you," she muttered sheepishly.

I shook my head. "I can't- I can't take this," I replied. I was scared to open the case, in fact. I would get too attached too quickly. I was so surprised that she had gotten a guitar for me.

Anna shoved me gently. "Open it! Please?"

I sighed dramatically and knelt down onto the grass, opening the case. The guitar was absolutely beautiful- a cherry red Gretch twelve string guitar. They were my favorite, the sound they madd were truly unique and different from a Rickenbacker and a Fender.

I picked it up and admired everything about it. The color, the strings, the f-holes, everything. I gently placed it in the case and shut it. I sat back down on the bench and tightly wrapped my arms around Anna, squeezing her. I always loved that guitar the first day they put it up in the window, but I could never afford it. "Thank you," I whispered.

Anna emitted a small gasp before reluctantly wrapping her arms around me. "Of course, Michael," she said, chuckling. I let go of her and smiled, taking her hand in mine. She shouted an, "Oh!" and shoved her hand in her coat pocket. She revealed another set of strings. "I got these, too."

I took the strings and placed them on the guitar case. We sat in a comfortable silence before I suddenly sputtered out, "I have another present for you."

She frowned and tilted her head. "I don't see another bag?"

I shook my head and slowly leaned in, waiting for her to turn away, but to my luck, she didn't. Our lips pressed against each other softly, my free hand resting on her cheek. She hesitantly responded to the kiss, her hand resting on my arm.

We kissed gently for a short time before she pulled away. "You better go to get ready for your trip to Dallas, I don't want to keep you waiting," she said and scooted away. She took the bag that sat next to her and placed it in her lap, and refused to look at me.

I nodded slowly, standing up. "Thank you for the guitar, Anna," I said as I picked up the strings and guitar case.

She smiled and looked at me for a second before averting her eyes to the grass. Why couldn't she look at me? I was sure that dick from the other day at her house was her boyfriend, but I didn't care. And at this moment, I didn't care about Phyllis. All I cared about was Anna.

"Merry Christmas," I muttered and began walking my way home. I vaguely heard Anna tell me "Merry Christmas" as well, but I wasn't completely sure. As I was walking down the sidewalk, I thought about what I was going to tell Phyllis if she saw the guitar. I didn't have much friends, and my family wasn't here yet. Maybe the owner of the club I performed at regularly got me a guitar for Christmas? Because I had "gotten him a pair of lousy sunglasses I found on campus once." I nodded considerably. It sounded good. Hopefully she won't think too much of it, knowing that the owner was a... sort of generous gentleman.

My mind wandered back to Anna, and my lips twitched up into a smile. I hoped she had a nice Christmas with that asshole boyfriend of hers. I wished I had decked him a good one, and if I got punched twice as hard, I'd be okay with that. I'd do anything for Anna.

I frowned and that thought repeated in my head.

I'd do anything for Anna.

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