Chapter 4.2: Finding a Way

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Chapter 4.2: Finding a way

Kyaaaaaaaaah! I mentally screamed. Panic creeps into my system and I can't even think properly. Where would I go! Too many roads! Too many paths! What road will lead me to the safest place? What road is the safest? What?!

Instinctively, I ran towards the road that is nearest to me. Please let me be safe, let me be safe.

The Gory has a mind on its own, I must say. It's very intelligent, really. He smells the scent on one's soul and remembers it for eternity. He, then makes his way towards his enemy or maybe his allies and defend or maybe kill them for the sake of defending what is the task someone have given to him/her.

And I don't like it. This puts me into disadvantage. Knowing that this Gory isn't on my side. I guess luck isn't, too. But maybe, the tables can be turned in the future. What do we know? We don't have any gist of it and we don't have any seer that is within the vicinity.

But the problem here is the present. I can't be a food for him. I don't want to! I'm not sweet to be eaten! Spare me please!


That is what I'm always thinking. Bu then, I stopped for a second just to think, AGAIN. Why am I running away? Why can't I face him, head on? Why can't I fight? Why me, of all people? Split-seconds, that is the interval of me being freeze on and the Gory which, surprisingly, tryin' to kill me on the spot. If I didn't dodge that cutting lesson, I'll be dead meat, which I can't afford. I don't have any friends yet. My aunt wouldn't want to see me on the floor with so much make-up on that, honestly, it would find her funny. I even can't afford a coffin in which my gorgeousness can sleep there forever.

Just so you know, I'm surprised that I managed to dodge that awesomely-fast strike by the cutie little Gory that I messed up with. The reaction time of my body is well-tuned. I'm thinking that, how could that happen? I didn't even train myself just in case of emergency that I would be on a mess with something or someone.

Looking for some defense weapon, I spotted some twigs there in the nearby tree that I assume can't help, considering my situation now. There's this skunk which I can use as defense but I'm into disadvantage too. Okay, I'm hopeless. I can't even fight, I think. If I dodge and dodge and dodge, repeatedly, my Stamina would run out eventually.

The last resort is to run, again. So, I dodge every attack of the Gory and find the right time that I would escape, just like the old times.

"You're no fun, Mr. Gory! Why would you pick a little girl like me? Why won't you pick your own size, huh?!" I yelled at him. He just growled and darts toward me. Calculating the speed, he's like the flying squirrel. He glides and slides, making the trees on the road fell on the ground. Poor trees. May your clueless soul rest in peace. And, P.S., don't ask for revenge; don't plan your revenge for the Gory, I'll handle him *grins*.

You better run, run, run away! Before I put a spell on you~!

Well, that line suits my situation right now. You know what? I better plan my so-called "escape" or shall I say, a plan to fight back. But you don't want to fight back, right? Little Shane here can't even kill a single mosquito. What are you gonna do now? Tch. My mind's in contradiction. I better replace them with more.... you know, more encouraging one. It sucks! I better find a genius and more thoughtful donor if ever I'm replacing this one.

Well, I can't see....any....more.......road. Damn, this sucks! Luck isn't on my side! I tried to look for exit, another way or, for sure, a ticket to hell. Minutes late, I stopped on my tracks. My breathing is now heavy. There's this tall wall that is blocking my way-rather, a dead end. There is no way to get out! No way to escape! Will somebody help me?!

The Gory! He's here! Panic mode: On! What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?!! Oh well, *faints*


So, if I'm able to assess my position. I'm in a tight spot. A tall wall with maybe six feet high, and with vines covering it. The vine sucks! I can't climb to that. The road is so narrow. Well, with me and Gory, this should be at least......enough? Enough for what? Well, I just thought that we two, I mean me and the Gory could fight. As if I'm able to fight. This body sucks! The Gory is on his way. My poor soul. Can it at least get some decent whatever?

He strikes me with his arms, swinging rapidly, assuming that this swing is heavier than I thought it should be. I managed to dodge, thank goodness! That is all I can do for now. He continued swinging his arms with full force, not minding the damage he has done. I dodge, repeatedly but I can't take it any longer. On his next swing, my body was aimed and hit hard on the back and got crushed on the wall. It hurts. I'm feeling that any second, I can collapse and there's no other being would help me. Despite all that, I still stand. Observing the Gory, I must say that his attacks were in pattern. The first swing is on his right arm, the second is on the left, the third is on the left, repeatedly.

I deduce the time interval between each attacks, given its size and built, I assume that the maximum interval is 2 seconds.

No defense weapon, it sucks! My stamina is dropping, it reached the line where the stamina should be replenished. If ever it will continue like this, well at least let me rest for a while, I could collapse in a cold grassy floor. With so many critters, and bugs. Yea, with bugs. Did I mention bugs? Oh shoot! I hate bugs!

I could collapse anytime now. Collapse anytime now. Why is the time not running! It should run! It should and it should be faster than I expected it would be!

The Gory strikes back again! Swinging full-force, he hit me head on and I got crashed on the ground. Argh! I can't....stand! I'll have to reevaluate myself, now I remember having large cut on my cheeks, some bruises on both of my arm, a painful wound on the side of my body, aside from that, there is nothing more.

My vision starts to get blurry, blood (what the hell?! I don't even remember having a cut on my head, just on the cheeks!), is dripping and it leaves me dizzy. Before my vision started to get all black-out, I saw two figures (one is tall, looks like a boy and one is petite for a girl), facing the Gory for my side.




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