Chapter 5: Nothing?

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Chapter 5: Nothing?



"Hey! Hey, wake up!" A voice is filling in to my ears, making me wake up in this delicious reality.

Nom. Nom. Nom! Hey pancakes! Don't leave me! I'm gonna eat you all! *evil laugh* Hey! Where a you going?!


Oh yes! You're all mine! Nom nom nom! Don't you ever leave me, okay? You all look so delicious! I'm gonna take a bite!


This is it! Closer....closer...closeeeeerrrr! *Biiiiiiiiiii-

"WHAT THE-? TRISHAAAAAAAAAAA! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!?" I yelled at her. I cursed under my breath, still not opening my eyes.

"Well, if it isn't your first day in class! Congratulations! You're late!" She enthusiastically said. A hear a soft giggle coming from her near my bedside table. With a prolonged sigh (I also have my own time recovering from my delicious dream which I regret leaving on), I opened my eyes and found my roommate staring at me like a specimen ready to be subjected in the Laboratory. "Quit staring, will you?" I said nonchalantly. "You have a sin to repent later." I glared at her, after that. "Well, sissy, time to get up! Wakey, wakey!!" A month of staying here with her, Trisha's been a talker every now and then, I'm starting to think that she's been comfortable with having me around.

"What now?" I lazily get up out of my bed. Sheez. My mind's not in its best condition right now. I'm super sleepy. "It's your first day in class, remember?" she beamed at me. "What's super exciting about the first day? There's nothing. Plainly NOTHING." I stretched a little bit and begun walking towards the sink. "Bunch of people who are, in the first place, close with each other. Gossipers in every corner of your dear school, even in the room where classes are held. Some girls flirting with the jocks, you'd encounter them quite a lot (they see themselves like a thing on the top of the pyramid). Nerdy people on the dark part (well, not literally dark, I mean, you know? The most unnoticeable corner of the room, or the school, where their presence won't be a hindrance to anybody or anybody won't even have time to associate themselves with these type people), isolating themselves out of being the public toy(s)." I brushed up my teeth....or tooth, whatever, pausing my momentum for a while. "Well, aside from that, I hate introducing myself. Imagine that you are going to introduce yourself in front of the class, saying things that are half-true just to show off in front of them (so-called classmates). Others will try to trip you off when it's your turn to say something cool. Attempts like this can be a considered as a success (you'll say 'Yes!') or a failure (this is the time when you'll gonna say, "Awww!" having that 'sad' face on you) if you don't properly observe your surroundings." I explained further. "This must be your lucky day!" she said, happily. "What do you mean?" I'm confused. "It's a secret I can never tell!" Great. She just winked at me and act like there's nothing wrong with what she did. She got up and cheerfully goes to the walk-in closet both of us shared. "You'll find about that later!" she added. "Come on now. Faster!!" she yelled at inside the walk-in closet. "Yes, miss!" treating her like a royal highness, that is what I replied.


As we walk side by side, some of the students gossips around us. Some were staring rudely at us and other students don't even mind at all.

"Here she comes."

"She finally found her suitable companion. Poor girl." That one makes a sad face. I concluded that the "poor girl" she was referring to, is me. No other, but me.

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