Chapter 8: The Town

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Chapter 8: The Town

“HEY, WHERE’D YOU GET THAT?” Trisha asked, pointing at the cat I’m holding. Oh. She’s a she and I’m naming her from her original name, which is Shi. Sounds a little bit like tongue twister, right? “Uh,” I scanned the room and I looked back at her. “I got this from the program this morning.” I honestly said. I could lie, though. Saying that I got this from the sidewalk or maybe I could say that I got this from a friend, but who’s my friend anyway? I don’t have any, according to my list. Although, Trish is there but other than her, there is none. I’m sad. So, my point here is, why would I lie? Would it benefit me? Hmn. I’ll stop this talking-to-myself time. It sucks. I tried to copy the ducks. “Guess I could hang some cooking utensils there.” Trish said, half-laughing. I glared at her. “Whoa! Wasn’t my fault you’d make a face there! Chill!” she said. The cat purred on my lap. What to do, what to do?
“I’m so boreeeeeed! It’s weekdays but class is suspended this afternoon. What am I gonna do with my time?” frustrated, I said it out loud. Trisha turned her head to me. “Well, you know, I might have the perfect place for you!” she winked and then smiled. “Where?” I asked. “Hmm. I’d give you the information but, naaaaaah. I’d rather not if there wasn’t any trade for it.” She grinned. I sighed. “Fine. Whatever. What do you want?” surrendering, I sighed once again. “Give me a dozen of petunias!” she cheerfully said. Oh. That flower. “What for?” I asked. “Secret, no clue!” she stick out her tongue. What a childish act. “Ow. Okay. So, where is it?” this time, I am serious. She might have felt that the atmosphere have changed, so yeah, she took me seriously too. “It’s in the town!” she happily said. You know the bipolar thingy with the girls. She’s one of them. Seconds ago, she was serious and then, seconds later, she’s like this- the happy yet creepy girl, for me. “Okay. Thanks.” I muttered it while walking away. “Don’t you dare forget my petunias?! I’m gonna lock you out if you do!” she yelled. I rolled my eyes. I’ll never.

Different noises filled in my ears as soon as I stepped out of the borders of the Academy and in the boundaries of the Town. I felt Shi purring on top of my head. So yeah, I can’t afford to leave her in the dorm room with Trisha because some deity knows what is she gonna do with my poor cat! Goodness grace! What would I do if ever Shi is missing?
“High class quality wands here! Just inquire inside!”
“I’m selling pastries here! Anyone? We have free samples!” Looks like a yummy food to me! But in the name of staying on the meal plan, I shall pass with dignity!
“Flowers? We have variety of flowers here!”
“We make excellent potions! Anything, everything!”
“Help us! We’re begging!”
“Foods for our poor souls!”

Mostly of the nicey nice stores are lined up on the front while others were on the back line. Formal suits of the people here in the Town, their clothes states it all. And there is this dark side of the town where everybody is trying to cover up. My teacher said that you cannot call yourself “pretty” if there isn’t an “ugly” people out there. Same goes for the “good” if there wasn’t any “bad” at all. Everyone has their own counterparts, own contradictions. The light has also its dark side-the side which doesn’t have much light, the side which doesn’t have anything to please people, the side which we think is not good for us.
I’d like to buy some flowers-or should I say, petunias for Trisha. I don’t want to have Trisha’s bad side on me. That’ll be suicide, I think.  For now, I will not buy flowers and I’ll just roam around this Town. One thing is for sure, this will be a tiring day.

“Hey, take a look at this frog!” a figure in my vision is blurred but I know that he smiled.
“What’s so special with that frog? It seems so ordinary to me.” I asked, pouting.
“Well, it’s because of, magical capabilities!” I’m confused.
“Any proof? How would I believe it when there’s no proof?” questioning the figure, I said.
“Chill. Let’s wait for her to get back here. She got the thing for me to prove that I’m not bluffing!”
Suddenly, a girl, maybe an inch taller than me, is running for our direction. She stopped on her tracks-panting heavily. Sweat drops off of her forehead and I noticed that she’s carrying a mini-bag on her waist. She untied it and gave it to the figure I’ve been talking to. Let’s just assume that this figure is a boy because of his voice and let us name him, Mr. Froggy because of the frog and his persistent convincing that the frog he’s been leashed on is magical.
“Why are you so late?” Mr. Froggy asked the girl. Huh! That sounds awful!
“Well, you can’t blame me because first of all, I don’t know that plant and secondly, I’m foreign with this land! Don’t you try to nag me with other stuffs because it’s your fault in the first place! You ran out of it! Quit nagging me, okay?”
“O-kay,” he prolonged the “kay” part because I don’t know if he’s unsure of is he just teasing the girl. “Quit yapping! I’m not gonna nag you, sis! I’m not like you.” He, then, grinned like a mad dog. He’s a creep.
“Where are we?” he asked after turning his face to me. “We’re in a market place,” I answered, as if it was the very easiest question a dumb could answer.
“Yah! Don’t you use sarcasm on me.”
I rolled my eyes. Whatever.
“Okay. So, I’m gonna prove that this frog is magical,” he said while rummaging through the mini-bag. “As you can see, I have these petals from the petunias’. These flowers contains a magithermic property that when digested-by any mammals, amphibian, or reptiles, may succeed on having a short-time magic power,” He said. “In that way, I can prove that this frog could be magical!”
“Okay, if you say so.”
He held the petals of the petunias and make it swallowed by the frog. Seconds later, with a very loud burp, the frog emits a smoke that smells so sweet and………

“O-ouch!” my all my strength, I covered my head with both of my arms to lessen the pain. Someone startled me which led me to complaining about the pain. I look up to her and I saw a petite girl with a chubby cheeks and a very cute smile. I don’t know what to react or how should I react. And that dream, what was that? It doesn’t seemed to be an ordinary dream to me!
“Who are you?” asked she. What would I reply to her? Should I confess that I’m bored so I got no other choice but to sleep in one of the shades of the trees here? Should I confess that she’s cute but I would rather not?
Sighing, I ran out of words.
“Did you know?” she asked me. I looked up to her saying that I was interested in what she is talking about. “That I am the Goddess of them all?” she laughed, but half-heartedly.
I poker-faced.
“Just kidding,” she sat on the grass just enough to be on my level of eyesight. “Your eyes looked sad. Why?” she asked, not breaking our eye-to-eye contact. I squinted my eyes. “Who are you?” I asked. “H-hey! I’m asking you that earlier! Hmp. You’re a meanie!” she pouted. Cute, but whatever. “By the way, I’m Jzel Syu! A servant of the Highest Prince and today is my day-off! And, you are?” she’s asking me. Oh. I smiled at her. I must be good at making a first impression so they would remember me well. “I’m Shane. Shane Chase. A mere student of the Reyka Academy.” I stood up. She stared at me with amusement in her eyes. “You’re studying there also? Woah! Nice to meet you!” Great. She’s handshaking me. “M-my hands,” I awkwardly said. Dunno if she’s a creep or is she just a creep because all this time she’s smiling widely. And now, she’s looking at me like there’s a hidden business blended with that wide smile of her. I wish I could erase that smile of hers but that would be rude. I better keep them intact in my beautiful mind. “Oh. Sorry.” She said, awkwardly. Finally! She’s now awaken from a fantasy!
I am officially going home, now. I mean, I want to go and rest and be on my bed at the dorm and just relax. Yeah, I’m gonna go now and be away from this creature that is smiling weirdly at me. Yeah. That is the right thing to do right now, and now, I’m gonna get my exit scene.
“Uhm…” I said, looking at anywhere except for her face which I recommend to myself not to look after for. “I better leave. Sky’s getting dark soon. So, uhm. Thank you and good bye.” I said, reluctantly. Retreating, I take my leave soon enough.
Wooo! That was a relief! Reminder to myself: not to get in touch with her. As in NEVER!
All in all, I don’t get to go out much and tour in this town. This day ended with me having a nap but frankly speaking, I’m having a power sleep. I get to know another schoolmate of mine which I reminded myself on not having an encounter again.
Alright, time to go home.

The Last SummonerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon