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Milani POV:

After almost 4 hours in the DMV, I make my way to my car with my new license and my new license plate for my car. I'm going to meet up with the girls at my mom's place for a late lunch since we all had been busy and couldn't eat lunch. I place my license plate in the passenger's seat since I need a screw driver which I don't have to take off the old one and put the new one, I get in my driver's seat and put my seat belt on and turn on my car, and back out the parking spot. I really hope this was a good decision to make, I just hope this 5 years are at least drama free or little to no drama. I want to take this as a vacation and not something that I was almost forced to do, forced because my mom bought the plane tickets without me knowing and basically the girls were forced too.

As I drove I started thinking about my childhood and how I had to move from down here to LA, being bullied is something nobody should go through, it's not fun and it has changed my life a lot. I used to think and believe that we all are accepted, when I first moved up to LA, I had friends that were older and they had social media and I would always see how they praised; blasians, dark skins, and thick girls. They still praise them and compliment us girls but there is still hate towards us, I personally think we are all equal, no matter the skin color, the shape of our bodies, our races, or where we come from.

As I drive to my mom's house, I get this feeling to look through my rear view mirror, I do just that and notice a white car close behind me. I really am not about to bring drama to my mom's house so I make a right turn and the car follows, I keep making right turns going in to a circle and after doing one more turn, the car speeds off. I make my way back to my mom's place and check the time, 12:45 pm, I pull up to her drive way and grab my things and walked up the steps and opened the door. Mom was cooking so I went in the kitchen and greeted her so we started talking and a few minutes later the girls came and we helped my mom set the table and we sat, prayed and ate our food.

We laughed and talked about childhood memories and had a good time with my mom I loved it. Then we all went our separate ways and I decided to explore around just like when I was a little girl, I pulled up to this abandoned house a few blocks from my mom's house and remembered this was the same house where I met Jess, my childhood best friend. We were both exploring the house, she came in through the back door and I through the front door, and we walked both around the house and met in the kitchen, she introduced herself and I just waved since I was really shy. From there we became best friends up until I moved to Cali and a few months later, I found out she got shot and died.

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