Mary walked to one of the classrooms, and called into it.
"Harry! Owen! Ethan!"
The three boys casually came out of the classroom. The squad has never looked so annoyed.
"I thought they were dead!" Marissa growled through gritted teeth. The girls nodded in agreement. The guys came up to Kodie and did that weird handshake: they kind of high five each other sideways, and then slap each other on the back. Why do guys do that? Anyway, they were happy to see each other, but it wasn't what the girls were expecting. When Mary Jean hadn't seen her friends for at least five minutes, she would hug them and have a huge reunion like they'd been apart for years. On the other hand, Kodie and his friends were acting like they were catching up from the weekend, not like there was a zombie apocalypse going on and they had just found out they were all alive. Jackie was right when she had said Kodie had no real friends.
"brov, it's good to see you." Owen said, as if he could read minds. He couldn't, because otherwise he would take one look at any of the girls and run for it.
"hey, whaddup with your face?" Harry pointed at Kodie. The squad knew that Kodie was going to be a snitch and tell all of his friends.
"I.. I've been running lots!" he replied. The girls were surprised to see Kodie making up an excuse for their sake. They really had changed him - if only slapping everyone would make them a better person. Kodie quickly changed the subject to his girlfriend.
"so, we're all OK, but what about your lot Mary? Y'know, Tiannie and Felicia and that lot?"
Mary's head drooped down a little.
"they were all killed." Then, she raised her head again. "but it's OK, because I was able to get most of their makeup!"
The squad were horrified. Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped. Her friends were all dead, but it was absolutely fine because she had their makeup!?!? They slowly began to edge back through the doors, but Kodie stopped them before they could escape. This was seriously annoying, as they had been stood there for 5 minutes now. Poor Tanisha was dying to go to the loo.
"guys, wait!"
"oh look! It's Jacko and Goth and that lot!" Owen laughed.
"don't laugh Owen, these guys saved me!"
"they did?" said Harry.
"they did?" said Ethan.
"they did?" said Mary Jean.
"we did?!" said the squad. Then they just laughed. 😵🚽
Zombie apocalypse
AléatoireChilton has been invaded by zombies. Basically every popular kid has either been eaten or is running round like a dog hearing fireworks. Most of them are dogs - very feminine dogs for that matter. So, they need a group of heroes. Enter, THE NERDS, T...