Gerard is my best friend - Frerard fluff one shot

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Gerard is my best friend. He’s nine and I’m six, Mikey’s his brother and he’s six too. We all go to the store with our moms and play together. We sneak candy into the cart, my favourite is skittles. They make me hyper though. I like Gerard.

Gerard is my best friend. He’s twelve and I’m nine, Mikey’s his brother and he’s nine too. We all go to the park together. We have sleepovers a lot. We all cuddle on Gerard’s bed eating skittles, watching cartoons. I like Gerard.

Gerard is my best friend. He’s fifteen and I’m twelve, Mikey’s his brother and he’s twelve too. We all go into the woods together and climb trees now that I’m old enough. We live on the same street too, I moved. Gerard has the big bedroom so we read comics and watch horror movies together on Gerard’s bed whilst he plays with my hair. I like Gerard.

Gerard is my best friend. He’s eighteen and I’m fifteen, Mikey’s his brother and he’s fifteen too. We all still hang out together, although I spend more time with Gerard. Gerard and I dye each other’s hair black in the sink. We’re the losers. We have a few close friends, Ray, Pete, Bob and Patrick. They’re nice. Mikey isn’t around as much, he was better at getting friends than the short and shy kid, wearing black and sitting with a senior all day. We all practice in the band room at school, that’s fun. But I prefer to be with Gerard. Watching movies, whilst he plays with my hair when I sleep over for days in a row. I like Gerard. But I think as more than a friend.


I was walking to Gerard’s locker with Mikey after class, talking about the new Batman comic series coming out. Seriously, how can this kid be such a dork but be so popular?

“Honestly tell me, have either of you ever had a girlfriend? Ever?” Mikey proclaimed as we had just met up with Gerard.

I blushed at the ground replying with a small embarrassed “Em, no.”

Looking through my hair to Gerard I could see him, eyes wide and spluttering excuses at his brother, looking totally embarrassed.

“Well –em, yes! Of course! I mean, -well, once in seventh grade, I think?”  Gerard defended, looking utterly ridiculous trying to hide his embarrassed blush under his fringe, spluttering his answer.

Mikey did his creepy brotherly eyebrow raising communication from under his glasses, silently smirking at his brother.

“Sure you did, Gee.”

“I did! Well I think I did… Oh whatever no I haven’t, you happy!”

Mikey smirked and raised his eyebrows again. The Way brother’s telepathy was totally creepy.

“Well, I know a few people who I could hook you up with. I’ll be right back!”

Before either of us could respond Mikey was off talking to some girls across the hall whilst I stood, mouth wide open with surprise and shock, not knowing what to feel. I turned to Gerard to see him mirroring my expression, this wasn’t going to be fun.


It was Friday night, and time for the dates with the ‘girlfriends’ Mikey got us on Tuesday. We were going to the movie theatre and I wasn’t looking forward to it, I wasn’t nervous like I’d normally be with this sort of thing, it was just like going with friends, except we had to pretend to like them. Gross. To top off my dread we had to cancel our video game marathon, but I suppose I’d just go back to Gerard’s after the movie. 


Gerard picked me up from my house, getting to the movie theatre a few minutes before our ‘girlfriends’. We went ahead and bought tickets to the next movie showing, I sat in Gerard’s lap whilst we waited for them to arrive. Gerard didn’t seem to mind

Gerard is my best friend - Frerard fluff one shotWhere stories live. Discover now