Sneak Peek of Sequel to The Dentist's Revenge

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Hey Hoomans,

So some people requested a sequel to this story, this will focus more on Damon's close friends, Neel and Dean. You have met them briefly in TDR. So this will be their story. 

Also, I haven't forgotten about the bonus chapter for TDR, where Damon spirals into the dark clutches of exacting his revenge. I don't know when that will be out, so please just bear with me.

On a side note, I don't have a title for this story, so please comment any suggestions :)

Without further delay, I present a sneak peek to the Sequel to The Dentist's Revenge.

Chapter 1

Present Day

Neel's POV

The rain came down around us. It was cold and relentless. I stumbled under the weight of my friend or boyfriend, whatever it is that we are. But that can wait. We needed to get to safety. I hoisted my companion and tried to double my speed in order to get us to the safe house as fast as possible. He grunted in pain as I jostled him.

"Shut the fuck up man, we need to be quiet," I whispered harshly at him as I moved as fast as I could down the deserted street scoping out our surroundings in case someone was following us.

"I would like to see you being quiet after being shot you bastard," he spits back.

"Fuck you, who told you to jump in front of the bullet you dumb ass," I retaliate. I all but drag Dean's ass towards the approaching safe house. I could feel myself weakening as the adrenalin wears off.

"Most people would be flattered..." he began before pausing to catch his breath. "if someone took a bullet for them, but not Neel Shah," he battles to get out quite sassily.

"I am not 'most people' Dean, you should know this by now," I chastise him as I make my way to the back door of the house. Dean reaches into his pocket and retrieves a key and he hands it to me.

"I do, that's why I l..." he said weakly before losing consciousness.

I curse before hastily opening the door and getting Dean in before shutting and locking the door. I quickly carry Dean to what would be the lounge of the deserted house. I found some candles and quickly lit two, casting an eerie glow in the abandoned house. I lay him down gently on the floor. I pulled out my knife and cut off his sweater revealing a variety of tattoos covering his toned chest. I didn't have time to admire the intricate art work as I noticed the bullet wound on his left shoulder.

I use his sweater to wipe the access water off his face, hair and body. I gently push him onto his right side in order to look for the exit wound. I took note of the nasty gaping hole on his back.

"Great, a through-and-through," I muttered to myself as I gently laid him back on his back and pressed the sweater on his wound to try and stop the bleeding. I then gave Dean a hard slap snapping him awake.

He awoke with a start and immediately grabbed my throat with his good hand and squeezed. I clawed at his hand and he realised what he was doing before releasing my neck. I fell back and rubbed my neck trying to get some oxygen into my lungs. That is so going to bruise.

"Sorry..." he mumbled weakly before looking away.

"It's ok," I managed to choke out as I stood up. I was immediately light headed and dizzy and began swaying precariously.

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