Chapter 5

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Without further ado, I present the Finale of The Dentist's Revenge! Kindly vote and comment please!

I stumbled to my left as I barrelled into Sean, the combined force enough to knock both of us into the desolate alley. I get up and stand protectively in front of Sean. The attacker slowly steps into the ray of light that filtered into the alley way. He seemed like he was on steroids and was dressed all in black, like a stereotypical mugger. I feel Sean grab onto my arm with a vice like grip. I could feel him shaking with fear, no doubt. The attacker takes another step towards us. I notice a short steel pipe slip down into his waiting hand. He brandishes it expertly.

He takes another step forward. His face is now illuminated in the light. Sean lets out a whimper and retorts with false bravado.

"Just take whatever we have, we don't want any trouble" his voice quivers towards the end.

The muscle head grins evilly and takes another step towards us.

Another figure gracefully steps into the alleyway puffing on a cigarette. He is dressed to the nines with an elegant suit, his crisp white shirt is opened to reveal his tattooed chest where a simple gold cross attached to gold chain glitters as the light catches it as he moves towards us.

He grabs the steel pipe from the muscle head, Sean sighs in relief but the new guy twirls it and Sean chokes on his sigh. He takes the cigarette from his mouth and flicks it up. He swings the pipe and hits the cigarette like it's a cricket ball. The cigarette soars over mines and Sean's head with a shower of embers. I watch it as they slowly burn bright as they are exposed to oxygen and the quickly turn to ash as it gets swept up in the slight breeze.

Sean's POV

I stepped out of Damon's shadow to get a better look at the newcomer. He looks familiar and finally it clicks.

"Dean?" I hesitantly questions sounding confused.

"The one and only" Dean replies with a smile that sent an involuntary shiver down my spine.

"Thank god it's you. I thought we were getting mugged" I let out a nervous chuckle.

I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. I could hear the rush of blood in my ears as my heart hammered away.

"Oh Sean-y boy, you going to wish that were the case"

With that, my blood ran cold.

I moved to grab onto Damon, but he shrugged my hand off and moved to stand next to Dean who was busy dragging the pipe against the wall, the sound emitted grated my already highly strung nerves.

I am so confused. What is going on here?

Dean gave me a parting smile which could only be described as sardonic but filled with pity and regret aimed at me.

He gave the pipe to Damon and walked towards the entrance of the alley. The Hulk followed obediently. They stood there with their backs to us as Dean lit up another cigarette, the smoke billowing upwards in a random wisp.

I turn back to look at Damon, whose face is void of any emotion.

"Babe, wh...what's going on?" I asked him, panic laced my voice.

"I know" he said looking into my eyes.

"Know wh..." I began.

"Don't fucking play dumb with me Sean!" he yelled at me, cracks in his calm demeanour begin to show.

"I know" he said in a defeated tone as his shoulders slumped.


He knows. But how?

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