• Choices | Zane (A Interfere) •

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You have chosen to interfere! YOU GO GIRL! To see what happens when you get the headteacher instead, go to the next chapter.

You sprint around the bleachers and push Gene over, taking the whole group by surprise. You kneel over Zane's body, shaking him slightly. "Zane, are you okay?!"
"Wha- Y/N? I don't need you here right now! Don't make me look weak, or like a loser or something!"
Your eyes widened, "Whatever." You were about to stand up, only to be held down to the ground by Gene.
"Oh, Y/N~ I was wondering when I would get to meet you."
You growled. "Don't you dare hurt my Zane!" With a kick to the stomach, Gene landed on the ground next to you as you scrambled to your feet and grabbed Zane's arm, pulling him along and into the school.
And that's where you find yourself now, with only fifteen minutes left of lunch, sitting in the empty nurse's room with your boyfriend. You just finished dabbing the blood off his split lip, and was about to retract your arm when Zane grabbed it. "I'm sorry for what I said." He whispered. You sighed. "And I'm sorry that I tried to help you."
His back noticeably straightened and  stiffened and his grip on your arm loosened. You were about to slip away until he caught your hand instead, intertwining your fingers. "I mean it. You're not a loser, I don't know what got into me. I-I love you, and I would never try to hurt you purposely."
Your gaze softened. "Z-Zane... I just don't want you to get hurt again," You twirled around a few strands of his dark, silky hair between your fingers. "I don't want you to change yourself because you want to join people who won't accept you, for you." Zane blushed a light pink and leaned in closer. "What would I do without you, Y/N?" You smiled and pecked his lips before wrapping your arms around him in a secure embrace.
"We should get to class now." He said, winding out of your arms and standing up, holding out his hand for you. You slipped your hand into his and stood up also, opening the door to the hallway, watching the bustling students speed past. "What do you have next?" Zane turned his gaze towards you. "English." His eye lit up. "Same! We'll go together."
You nodded, smiling softly and tugging him down the hall towards your class.
You yawned, stretching your arms out and rolling your shoulders. The day was finally over and you were extremely worn out, just wanting to lie in bed and fall asleep for days on end. You were meeting up with Zane for a movie marathon at his house, though - so, no sleep for now. Skipping outside to the gates, you gripped the straps of your backpack and looked for your boyfriend.
And what a surprise, there he was again, talking to that same pink haired meifwa. Chatting noisily, laughing. No matter how much you tried, you couldn't make him do that. So what was so special about her? Or more rather... what was wrong with you? Nothing all of my readers are beautiful and amaZing You shook your head.
"Never. He loves me. He told me just earlier today, forget about it." Reassuring yourself again, you made your way over to the giggling pair.
"Zane-kun, you're so funny!" She laughed heartily, the sound jingling in the air as she pushed Zane's shoulder lightly. You tapped his arm from behind him and he turned slightly. "Y/n, hey. I'll be there in a minute, just wait over there." He said, returning his attention towards the other girl.
"But- whatever." You grumbled, dragging yourself onto the bench near the gate. Fishing out your phone from your pocket, you decided that the best pass time would be to play some games. After a while, you checked the time on displayed on your screen. 15 minutes had gone by, that's hardly only one minute. You sighed, slouching tiredly and closing your eyes.
Soon after, you felt someone pinch your cheek lightly. You whined, swatting away their hand and sitting up. You cracked your eyes open. "Hey, Zane. You ready?"
He took your hand into his and held it tightly. "Yeah. Let's go!" Zane grinned, pulling you along to the direction of his home.
"Have a good day at school?" He made small talk.
"I guess. It wasn't so different than any other, apart from the fact that our science teacher wasn't here and no one showed up so we got a free period." You said, smiling up at him, swinging your intertwined hands back and forth. "That's good."
Finally, you both arrived at his house. "Garroth's at soccer camp and Vylad has a sleepover, mom and dad are on a business trip- we have the whole house to ourselves!" Zane exclaimed happily.
"Cool! I'll put on the movie, you get the popcorn?" You instructed, already climbing the stairs to his bedroom.
You entered his room, already noticing the pre set mattress and duvet on the floor, as well as many pillows and blankets. It all looked so cozy! The TV was situated in front of it, you crouched in front of it and picked up the remote. Flicking through Netflix, you found a good movie that you knew the both of you would like, and sat down in wait of Zane. After a minute, your boyfriend pushed the door open with his elbow, his hands full of snacks. He placed them down on the floor in front of where you were sitting and got under the covers with you, putting his arms around you. You snuggled into his embrace, pressing play and stuffing your cheeks with popcorn. The two of you sighed in content, the week was over and you were happy.

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