Chapter 1: The Beginning

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(Picture of Mai)

'Alright focus, I just need to focus my chakra,' I thought inside my head as I formed hand signs. "Water release: Water whip" I shouted. Concentrate, I closed my eyes and condenced the flow of chakra I was using into my left hand. Slowly but surely, a small whip formed. I gradually increased the size, being cautious as to not lose control of my chakra while making it. Eventually it became around 10 feet long.

"Not bad," I muttered out loud. It was my first time attempting to do this jutsu, so I'd say it went pretty well. I let the whip disperse and the water used to create it went back into the pond. I looked at the watch on my wrist to see the time. Shit! I only had five minutes before class started. I quickly grabbed my bag and sprinted jumping from tree to tree to get to the academy.


I quietly walked into the classroom without anybody noticing me and sat in my seat at the back of the class. I had just made it on time. I was surprised though, Iruka sensei was normally here before all of us. Naruto wasn't here either....

"Hey did you see what Naruto did to the Hokage's stone faces?" I turned to whoever said that.

"Yeah he ended up painting all over them, he's going to get in serious trouble again by Iruka sensei." I mentally smirked at that. Figures, only Naruto would do something like that. Honestly he wasn't that bad, if everyone would just stop being so mean to him than he probably would act better. Although I can understand why they're scared, he does host the nine tails after all. But still, it's not like he had a choice.

Oh you're probably wondering how I know about that, well let's just say people don't talk very quietly and it's quite easy to sneak into the Hokage's office for information....


I looked up at the door slamming shout followed by a loud 'oof.' I saw Iruka sensei scolding a tied up Naruto.

"Since you screwed up Naruto everyone will review the tranfirmation jutsu!" The whole class groaned.

I got in line behind Ino, a fangirl who's rival is my sister Sakura, and in back of me was Naruto himself. When I went up I transformed into perfect copy of Iruka sensei without saying anything. He nodded to me and wrote down my grade while I sat back in my seat. I put my head down on the desk until I heard the words come out of Naruto's mouth.

"Alright let's go, Sexy jutsu!" Smoke flooded the room and when it finally cleared there standing where Naruto was, was a naked girl that looked like Naruto. Luckily the smoke covered All of the guys were blushing except for the Uchiha. Even Iruka sensei, who I didn't really take as a pervert, had a bloody nose after that.


(After class)

I was trailing away behind my sister and Ino as they argued about who would get Sasuke as a boyfriend. I sighed at the trivial matter. The only girl in my class that didn't like Sasuke was Hinata Hyuga, although she does like Naruto. Hinata was the quietest girl in the class, after me of course. She's really kind, but being born into the Hyuga clan was complicated and difficult.

The Hyuga clan has a kekkai genkai called the Byakugan, it is a visual jutsu that allows the user to see the chakra network inside of someone. They can block off your chakra points using a type of taijutsu used only in the their clan. The problem is the clan doesn't have equality and it makes it hard to live in that clan whether your in the branch family or in the royal family. Like I said, it's complicated.

The Silent Prodigy: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now