Chapter 4: Kakashi

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I couldn't believe how overwhelming this was! I made the hand signs for the water dragon jutsu and he was doing the signs just as fast as I was!

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" We both shouted and the two dragons encircled each other. We both made a move to attack each other and the clang of our kunai's resonated throughout the forest.


 6 hours earlier...

'Ugh, why is our sensei so late!' I groaned in my head and slumped on the desk. Currently my team and I were the only people in the classroom, hell even Iruka had left.

"He's late!" Naruto exclaimed as he got out of his seat and made his way by the door. 

"Just sit down already," Sakura rolled her eyes.

 I sat up with my chin resting on my palm. I stared out the window right beside me and started wondering about what are sensei would be like. If Lord 3rd assigned the Kyubi and an Uchiha to the same team, than he definitely would put a strong Jonin on our team that would be able to handle and train them. 

'Although,' I thought,' if this Jonin is this late, than he's either is a deadbeat or he had something important to do.'

I suddenly sensed an unfamiliar chakra, assuming it was our sensei's I sat a little straighter in my chair. Sure enough a hand reached to open the door, I wondered if he would dodge the prank Naruto left on the door.

Plop! The eraser fell straight onto his head.

"Hahaha I got him!" Naruto laughed as I took the time to analyze him. Our sensei had gray, gravity defying hair, a mask on, and had his forehead protector covering hie left eye.

"Hmm, how can I put this?" He asked himself as he scanned us over. "My first impression of this group, is that your all idiots." All four of us sweatdropped. 

Yep, he's definitely a deadbeat.


"Alright why don't you introduce yourselves." Sensei said. We were at the top of a building that Sensei lead us to. I was sitting by Naruto and Sasuke while Sakura was siting by Naruto.

"Introduce ourselves?" Sakura asked. "What are we supposed to say?" I mentally face palmed as she asked that.

"Thing you like, things you hate, hobbies, future goals, stuff like that," He replied.

"Why don't you go first so we can see how it's done," Naruto suggested. 

"I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate...I don't really feel like telling you that." I raised an eyebrow at that. "My dreams for the future...never really thought about it, as for hobbies well. I have lot's of hobbies." He told us.

"Well that was useless," My sister said and we all nodded in agreement.

"Okay your next," He pointed at Naruto.

"My name's Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant Ramen in a cup and I really like the Ramen Iruka gave me at the Ichiraku Ramen shop. But I hate the 3 minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the cup. My hobbies are eating different kinds of Ramen, and my future dream is to be the greatest Hokage so the villagers will stop disrespecting me!" Naruto exclaimed. I internally smiled, I know one day he will make a great Hokage.

"Alright next," Kakashi said looking uninterested.

"I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like is uh, I mean the person I like is.... My hobby dream for the future is." She squealed. "The people I hate are Naruto and Mai!" She yelled. I shifted my gaze as I saw Kakashi looking at me, probably trying to find some sort of reaction from me.


"My name is Sasuke Uchiha," He said in a cold voice. "I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I plan on keeping an important promise and kill a certain someone." Everyone was slightly disturbed by that. I on the other hand glanced towards him only to see that he was already looking at me. I broke the stare quickly hoping that no one realized the exchange.


(3rd person)

"Okay good you all have your own talents-"

"Sensei you forgot about Mai," Naruto cut off as everyone looked at the pinkette.

'She has little to no presence, I almost forgot about her,' Kakashi thought to himself and nodded for her to go ahead.

"I'm Mai Haruno." She stated with an emotionless tone as her calculating eyes gazed into Kakashi's. "I like reading and dangos, I don't really hate anything, and my hobbies are training."

"What's your dream?" Kakashi asked immediately noticing the immense difference about the twins.

Mai looked at Sakura through the corner of her eye, 'I'll tell them part of it," she decided as she thought about one other person besides Sakura.

"I want to become an Anbu Captain so I can eventually find out the truth about a certain incident," She coldly said as she thought about that day 4 years ago.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes,' She can't possibly mean that incident.' "Well okay everyone has different personality's and different ideals. Tomorrow will be our first mission together, a survival exercise."

'This will be interesting,' Mai thought as she rested her chin on her palm.


Whew! It's been forever since I've updated. Apologies for the fact that it's so short. I've been really stressed out because of school and sports so thanks everyone for the support. I'm going to work on the next chapter today and hopefully have it published this week or so. Have a great day everyone!


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