Chapter 2: Genin, but at What Cost?

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(I have this as my computer background lmao)

"Damn it, I'm late!" I shouted as I threw on my ninja gear. My alarm clock didn't go off and now I only had a few minutes before class started! I jumped out my window and started running.

'Wait what am I doing? I could just flash step to the academy,' I thought to myself before flash stepping in front of my class door. I carefully opened it and saw that my classmates were all goofing off.

'Oh thank Kami I thought I was going to be in trouble,' I walked back to my seat in the very last row right by Shikamaru who was currently sleeping like normally. I swear if he trained as much as he slept he would be better than I was. Although instead he was considered the lazy genius, and my best friend.

"Hey Shika you ready for the exam?" I laughed slightly at his expression when he he woke up.

"It's going to be such a drag Mai!" He complained using his favorite catch phrase. "All you do as a Genin is just the lower ranked missions."

"Yeah I get what you mean," I replied and sat down. He was really the only person who was able toget me to talk at all.

"Alright class we will now start the final exam, when your last name is called proceed to the testing room. First up Akihira." Iruka called.

Shikamaru leaned over to whisper to me," What did you do to get Uchiha staring at you?" 

I looked at him confused and than turned my head towards Sasuke. Sure enough he was staring at me, but as soon as I caught him he went back to looking at the board. I thought back to last night, I didn't think anything would change but it seems it just might've.

"Mai you're up!" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that Shikamaru had been trying to get my attention. As I walked out of the room I could feel Sasuke's gaze on me the whole time until I  opened the door.

"Mai Haruno, an average student in the class who's strength is taijutsu," I heard a voice say and I turned toward the Chunin with greyish hair. I mentally smirked, that's what you think at least. I looked past him and saw that there were different colored ninja headbands behind him.

"This is the other instructor Mizuki, he will also be evaluating you. Mai, you just need to make three clones of yourself and than you pass. You may begin!" Iruka exclaimed.

I made the hand signs for a lightning clone and suddenly there were five of me in the room. "Do we pass Sensei?" We all asked.

Iruka smiled and said," Well done, very impressive lightning clones Mai, yes you have well exceeded my expectations."

"Yes very well done," Mizuki said," what color would you like?"

"Black," I said in a monotone voice. I didn't like the aura he had around him, it had a malicious tint to it.

"Here," He handed me the headband. As I reached for it and brushed my hand against his slightly, I suddenly felt chilled and immediately got a bad feeling. I wanted to get away from him and his gaze as fast as possible. I quickly took the headband and marched out as quickly as I could without it being noticeable.


After the exam everyone's parents went to pick them up and congratulate them on making genin, with the exception of me that is. My parents were smiling and congratulating Sakura and not even bothering to say anything to me. I sighed and looked around only to meet dark eyes that showed a hint of confusion. I immediately put up a wall over my emotions so I wouldn't show just how hurt I was, as soon as I did that though he glared, turned around, and walked away. 

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