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The leaves are falling down in orange glory

Skies opened to reveal blue serenity.

We have entered another September

Controlled by earth, wind, and fire

All elements collaborating

But not persuading us to dance

In the birth of this new autumn.

Our feet are frozen near fences of fury

Bodies still as if captured by ice blocks.

We do remember September

When the grass of our media was blurred

With the incoming blood of young boys.

We faded to black throughout suicides

Committed by young men ranging from ages 13 to 19.

We treaded our grief through red oceans.

Our eyes saw and our ears heard and our retinas read distinctively

The passings of drummer boys glazed in glitter

From all the newspapers and television screens

Tears of mothers and molten candlewax.

We remember September

As these new trees flourish

Replacing homophobia's charred bark.

Dust diverts to directions of these boys' souls

Where we pour water for their memories.

Life is in their souls.

Their blood has been swept from sidewalks.

Canisters of respect now sit like hardened molds

Each sporting it's own eternal flame.

It's a different autumn without Billy Lucas

Harrison Brown

Cody Barker

Seth Walsh

Tyler Clementi

Asher Brown

Raymond Chase

Felix Sacco

Caleb Nolt

Alec Hendrickson

Zach Harrington

We say it gets better but don't fully believe.

Listen to this rainbow chorus

Pleading us to dance in the optimism

Dance for their voided physical presence

Dance for a September worthy of remembering.

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