chapter 8

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The next morning

I sat up in bed and looked around the room, I wasn't in mine and Kaylees room I was in the boys I looked beside me and there was Niall sound asleep. I scanned the room Liam and Zayn were in their own beds as well. I slowly climbed out of bed not remembering how I had gotten there.

I walked out of the room closing the door behind me trying not to make any noise. I walked down the short hall to the bathroom and looked in the mirror my eyes had mascara under them and I was in gray sweats and a blue t-shirt. I looked at myself trying to remember how and when I got here but nothing was coming back, I wasn't sure why. I washed the makeup off my face my eyes were still red from yesterday.

I examined myself in the mirror and put my tangled hair in a messy bun before walking into the small kitchen. I looked in the fridge finding leftover pizza I grabbed some and headed towards the T.V. I stopped when I saw that Harry and Louis door was open a little I looked in to see if anyone was awake. I saw Louis fast asleep his blankets strewn everywhere, and Kaylee was in Harrys arms as they slept I smiled at the sight.

I walked over to the couch and ate my pizza while flipping through some channels I stopped on the morning news

"in other news, a twenty one year old male John Haynes, died yesterday afternoon. After being in coma for 28 days he woke for several minutes before passing, the family will be holding the funeral

in one weeks time" said the lady on the T.V I couldn't speak I didn't know what to say. My eyes brimmed with tears once again and I threw my pizza across the room at a wall, before covering my face with my hands and silently crying again.

"hey, hey now don't blame the food" said an unmistakable voice from behind me as they jumped over the back of the couch and held me close to them

"you really do love your food don't you" I said cracking a small smile.

"Yes, and you shouldn't take your frustrations out on it" he said his voice was serious witch made me laugh through the tears

"I didn't even get to say good bye Niall, I really messed up this time" I said looking down playing with my shirt.

"You didn't mess up you couldn't have known"

"but my dad will never forgive me, John wasn't even his kid but he loved him and raised him. He blames me for the accident and the coma and now the death" I said looking up at him

"you have to know it's not your fault, your dad will realize that in time" he said wiping the tears away from my face.

"you don't get it he blames me for Johns problems growing up too"

"what do you mean" he asked looking concerned

"okay I should tell you, but please don't tell the others I don't want more pity, so swear to it" I said holding out my middle finger he looked at it and raised his eyebrow "does your pinky swear" I said as

he wrapped his finger around mine.

"okay, well when I was six John was twelve and he was at middle school and the school was and still is horrible the teachers and principal are just awful people and they treated me and my brother terribly, anyway John he would have really bad days and he has anger issues so when he gets really upset he blacks out which is why he doesn't remember but he used to beat me up and I know, I know it's a normal sibling thing to fight but this was different and I somehow knew that then and I realize it more now but he used to hit me a lot and the harder I cried the harder he hit so eventually I stopped crying and I stopped fighting back and just took it my parents never did anything to stop it, they convinced themselves it was just siblings play fighting, that's why I don't show my emotions that's why I hide behind the smile and that's why I hate getting close to people I realised at an early age that there's a lot more evil than good in the world." the words fell from my mouth one at a time the memories flashing back causing me to wince. He looked at me his eyes watering at the thought there was silence

"i-i-i-i never would of but how and oh my god" was all he could choke out.

Niall P.O.V

Her cheeks were wet as she had cried so much I didn't even know how to respond to what I had just heard. "i-i-i-i never would of but how and oh my god" was all I could manage she looked up at me

"I am so sorry to make you listen to my sob story I don't know why I always have to ruin things" she said looking down again

" you didn't ruin anything" I said looking her in the eyes.

Before I knew what I was doing my lips were on hers she stiffened as mine touched hers but loosened as the kiss went on. She tasted like salt and pizza.

I pulled away, she looked down at her hands "Rikki, you didn't mess things up you helped me reassure myself and you know what Rikki I like you, I like you a lot" I said I could feel my face heating up she looked up at me and smiled. I liked her smile and the way she stuck her tongue out lightly when she thought something was really funny.

My thoughts were interrupted by Harry tripping over a shoe as he was trying to walk into the kitchen, he hit the floor with a loud thud. Rikki ran over "you okay?" she asked leaning over him

"yeah I'm just lovely" he said rubbing his head

"good 'cause that was funny" she said bursting out laughing I started laughing too he gave us dirty looks as he stood up Rikki was holding her stomach trying to calm herself down.

Everyone else woke up because of all the noise "will you guys shut it" Louis said walking groggily out of his room followed by Kaylee her eyes barley open. Liam and Zayn appeared from the other room "what happened?" asked Liam looking at all of us confused

"Harry tripped" I said giggling slightly.

"It's not funny that hurt!" harry said back his voice cracking slightly causing everyone to start laughing.

he pouted as he grabbed pizza from the fridge as he put it to his mouth Louis smacked his hand making him drop it

"what was that for?" Harry asked

"let's get room service mate have the pizza later" he said picking it up off the ground and throwing it in the small garbage.

Zayn walked over to the phone and pressed some buttons

"yeah hi I we'd like some food" he put his hand on the phone "what do you guys want?" he asked

"pancakes" shouted Harry

"eggs" shouted Liam and Kaylee

" cereal" Louis said

"everything" I said rubbing my stomach Zayn nodded

"okay well what do you have? Mhhmm okay yeah two orders of those, oh three of those, maybe one big plate of that, yeah oh defiantly some of that, and some fruit too, ya know to balance it out, yup room 714 thanks" he said before hanging up.

I looked at him "what all did you get?" I asked hopefully

"you will have to wait and see" Zayn smirked.

Louis walked over and plopped himself on the couch. Rikki looked around she raised her hand harry raised his eyebrow "yes Rikki" she blushed

" I have a question, whose clothes am I wearing" she said pointing down I laughed slightly

"you're wearing mine" Liam said "you're not exactly short so Nialls stuff wouldn't fit you and I'm the only one taller than you" he shrugged.

"oh" she responded blushing "well I kind of want to keep the pants" she said Liam looked at her

" no bloody way that's a good pair!" he said quickly "besides Danielle likes to wear that pair" I could see she suddenly felt weird in the pants. Which caused me to laugh, a little too loud.

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