chapter 20

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"So tell me what's wrong?" Harry asked his voice calm

"I told you it doesn't matter"

"it clearly does, because you know if you don't tell me I can just ask Niall" he teased pointing to the wall separating their rooms.

"who says it has to do with Niall" I countered defensively

"well let's look at a few things here one you just came out of his room two you were crying and three it's obvious"

"well like I said there is nothing to talk about any more me and Niall are over" I said feeling the tears fall again his eyes widened

"why what happened?"

"We got in a fight and I just don't know" I said burying my face in my hands.

"What do you mean you don't know why did he break up with you?"

"I broke up with him Harry" I said through my fingers

"what? Why?" he asked shock written in his voice

"I don't know, I just and he was and we just, god I don't know"

"well if you don't know, why did you do it?" I shrugged unsure of how to answer

"I don't understand you" he shook his head, I laughed lightly

"that's what he said" he raised his eyebrow and smirked "not like that Harry I mean that's what Niall said when I said what I said"

"I know I just don't understand" he stated his playful expression dissapearing

"I don't either, just what he said it set me off, it pinched something inside and twisted it"

"what did he say Rikki?"He asked looking me in the eye

"i-i-i don't even know really he just he said that he needed to protect me and that I was young and I snapped, I don't even know why it just happened it was all so fast" Harry nodded absorbing all I had said

"well" he sighed "you do remember that him wanting to protect you is a good thing right" I nodded

"but I don't need it" I saw a smile creep on his face

"really because I think you do and that's what scares you, you have this fear of letting people in and if they make the effort to get to know you, you push them away because that is all you know if you want this to work with him and I know you do you're going to have to leave the fear behind and just try it, go for it stop worrying about everything and everyone else just have fun, don't hold back even if the thought scares you leave the fear behind" he smiled standing, he had said what he could I nodded standing up and heading for the door.

I put my hand on the handle but turned around "hey Harry"

"yeah?" he looked up

"thank you" I stated letting go of the door and hugging him warmly "I really mean it, thank you" I said looking into his light green eyes

"it's no problem, just go for it"

"I have an idea" I smiled

"now you Mister you better get ready" I laughed messing up his curls, his hands shot to his head to fix it.

I looked at what he had set out of himself to wear a red t-shirt with dark blue jeans and black shoes, I crinkled my nose. "you're way to worried about this, where is your stylist" I teased throwing the red shirt onto the other bed and walking over to his suitcase going through it, finding his jet black v-neck at the bottom.

"this one she loves this on you" I smiled "also let your hair be a little bit messy it looks awkward to perfect"

"you don't like my hair?" he gasped rushing over to the mirror

Backstage Passes (One Direction)-Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now