chapter 19

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Rikki P.O.V

The room was nothing special two beds a small table with two chairs a T.V in a small cabinet with some drawers at the bottom, and a small bathroom. It was really standard not what I expected him to be staying in I walked in and sat in one of the chairs looking around.

"not what you expected?" asked Niall a small smile forming on his lips

"no, not really" I laughed

"what did you think I would have a grand room with large glass tables a flat screen with a huge soft bed and a bathroom with a bathtub the size of a football field?" he laughed falling back onto one of the beds I got up and leaned over him kissing his lips

"well not the tub"

"not the tub" he laughed rolling his eyes.

I laid down beside him looking at the ceiling "what do you want to do today? Kaylee and Harry are having a couples day and I think Lou and Liam are with Eleanor and Danielle and Zayn went to take a tour of the town with Emma" I laughed remembering his reluctance to get out of the hotel for the day and watching Emma drag him out the door and down the street.

"So I guess that leaves us" he stated turning to look at me

"why yes it does what a keen observer you are" he raised his eyebrow

"never mind doesn't even matter, what do you want to do?" I asked sitting up.

"I don't know! You're the one who lives here!"

"Which is why I know there is nothing to do, I need an outsiders opinion" I looked at him "but how about we stay here today?" I asked he sighed

"babe you don't need to be scared"

"I'm not, I and just not in the mood for another elbow to the face" I winced at the memory bringing my finger to my lip

"fair enough" he stated.

I stood up "who did you room with again?" I asked turning back to face him

"Zayn, why?" he asked

"Does he usually bring art supplies with him?"

"Sometimes" he looked confused

"alright" I said walking over to one of the suitcases and opening it and starting to go through it "what are you doing?"

"What does it look like" I stated pulling out a large amount of hair products, brushes, and two blow dryers. "This boy has more hair stuff then I have ever owned" I said looking at it all I looked at the label on one of the bottles "this thing is for curly hair the boys hair isn't even curly or long enough for this!" I exclaimed laughing slightly Niall shrugged

"who knows what the hell is hiding in their" I looked back in the bag finding my way to the bottom I grabbed what I needed and stood up

"I didn't know he painted"


"well do you think he will mind if we use some?"

"Probably not, if he does I will take the blame" he smiled as I walked over to the small table and getting everything out "wanna?" I asked not really expecting an answer.

I sat down and started drawing circles and lines on the page with purple paint.

I was focused on drawing random lines and circles when I heard Niall start laughing I looked up "what's so funny" he tried to speak but he kept laughing so he just pointed at my page "why is it funny?"

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