chapter 23

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Niall P.O.V

After talking to Danielle I wasn't really in the mood for the party but I knew that if I bailed the boys would kill me.

Someone tapped my shoulder I turned around to see a small girl with pale skin, brown eyes and short dark blond hair. I looked down at her

"hey your Niall right" she asked confidently

"yeah?" I responded

"wanna dance?" she asked grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the floor without waiting for a response.

I stood there awkwardly as she danced around me I was unsure of what to do

"come on babe move" she said pulling me closer to her rubbing her body up against me I grabbed her waist

"I can't do this" I told her before walking away.

I joined the boys and Dan at a table they were watching the girls dance "where have you been man, Rikki is looking for you" Dan said as I sat down

"where is she?" I asked a little too eager

"she left with Jake and Ryan about two minutes ago I think they went into the kitchen" Zayn shrugged pointing towards the kitchen door his eyes not leaving Emma

"why did she leave with them?"

"She was upset she doesn't need that tonight" Harry said looking at me

"they are trying to help her seriously go and talk to her" Liam added in, Louis patted my shoulder encouragingly.

I stood up and headed for the door

"Rikki we need to talk" I stated boldly opening the door, only to have my courage deplete when I saw only Jake and Ryan stuffing their faces with left over cake.

"She just left to look for you man" Jake said cake falling out of his mouth.

"go find her" Ryan said pushing me back out of the door.

Rikki P.O.V

I scanned the crowd but there were just too many people to find him. I pushed my way through the hot and sticky bodies to the other side of the crowd. I couldn't find him I made my way back over to the table

"where is he?" I looked at the boys

"he just went looking for you in the kitchen" Liam nodded towards the door

"ugh really?" I whined

"yes you dummy now hurry up and find him" Louis said pushing me back towards the crowd of people I looked back at them, they all waved me off.

I walked over to Kaylee "have you seen Niall" I yelled over the music

"no you're finally ready to talk to him?" I smiled

"yeah I think I am, but I just can't find him" I looked around the thick crowd of people again

"maybe for good reason" Danielle added in I turned to her rolling my eyes

"shut up" I stated before running off to look for Niall again.

I looked back to see her dumbfounded standing there her mouth open then rush over to Liam for protection.

I felt my phone vibrate in my bra (the only place I had to keep it)

he is looking for you he just ran out to the dance floor FIND HIM it was from Ryan I smiled looking over the crowd again.

Spotting the blond over by the door to the lobby, I started to walk over he looked up our eyes locked. I smiled as I reached him "can we talk?" I asked he nodded as I pulled him out into the lobby my stomach began to twist into a thousand knots and my heart raced.

Niall P.O.V

We were standing in the middle of the lobby under the grand chandelier I took in a deep breath before I spoke

"you know I would never listen to her" she raised her eyebrow I laughed "Danielle" I reminded her "what she said she doesn't know what she is talking about" Rikki blushed she really did look beautiful tonight different than her usual I liked both looks on her.

She smiled seeing me look her over "you look gorgeous" the words slipped off my tongue she giggled

"thanks" I sighed relieved she wasn't still angry

"Rikki I am so sorry that what I said offended you I didn't mean it like that I just wanted you to know that I love you and never want anything bad to happen to you, I didn't mean for you to misunderstand what I was saying I just-" she put her hand over my mouth

"Niall it's okay" she laughed "I over reacted" she stated before kissing my lips.

When we parted I looked over her shoulder to see the boys Eleanor, Kaylee, Emma, Dan, Ryan, and Jake with huge smiles on their faces, Danielle looked annoyed by what she saw which only made me smile Rikki looked over smiling as well, then turning back to me.

"it doesn't even matter what Danielle or anyone else thinks we will be okay and make it through anything I promise you that and you know Niall" she looked nervous as she took in a deep breath

"what?" I asked curious.

She kissed me again wrapping her arms around my neck, she looked into my eyes

"I love you" she said softly.

Backstage Passes (One Direction)-Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now