chapter 3

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Niall P.O.V

       We walked out of the room I looked back and waved at Rikki she smiled and did the same. I didn’t understand why but I felt a bit sad leaving I really enjoyed talking to her. I lost my train of thought when Harry can up behind me and smacked my bum

“why did you spend all the time with that girl? If you would of stayed  she probably would of come over” he said

“her name is Rikki, and she was fun to talk to why should it matter you seemed to be having a good time why couldn’t I?” I asked

“Yeah Harry it looks like they hit it off” Zayn added in wrapping his arm around my shoulder squeezing it as he did

“Maybe it’s the start of something new” piped in Louis clutching his heart for emphasis

“shut it Lou!” I said smacking him in the chest he laughed

“whatever man it’s not like you will ever see her again” Liam said he always had to be so sensible about everything

“you never know about these things” Louis added trying to look positively.

Just then Logan ran by us “guys the roads are closed you can’t see anything out there, our manager got us a nice hotel and a car that will take us there he can call for you too if you guys want”

he said

“no, well find something close to here, we can walk that way when it’s clear we will be ready in the morning see you then” Harry said smiling.

We weren’t into the big fancy hotels and suites like they were. “your call” Logan said running in the opposite direction. We waved goodbye before walking over to some stage crew taking things down. “you guys know where there’s a hotel close by?” Liam asked

“yeah there a nice one about five minutes away just follow the road can’t miss it” said a woman stepping down from a ladder and pointing us to a door.

“thanks” Louis said

We walked over to the door and stepped out the cold hitting our skin instantly, we shivered and wrapped our jackets tighter around our bodies, As we made our way through the snow to the hotel.

Rikki P.O.V

“why’d you spend all you time with him?” Julia cringed as they all left the room “he’s the least attractive whats the point?” she asked

“I’m sorry Julia I didn’t realize that I had rules and conditions for getting you in here” I stated turning on my heels and walking out Kaylee not far behind me she was lazily day dreaming while walking causing her to walk into a door a few times as we exited the auditorium.

 When we got back to he car we found my dad asleep in the front seat. I knocked on the window. Breathing heavily and watching it crystallize and fall slowly to the ground.  Kaylee was still to dazed to acknowledge the cold. My dad shot up and hit his bald head on the roof of the car he looked groggy and still asleep as he opened the doors.

When we got in the car wind started to roar and move through the scares trees and snow was picked up and blown around until it was hard to see. My dad looked annoyed and sleepy “okay girls we can’t drive home in this weather” my dad stated “well get a hotel for the night seeing as its already midnight” he said rolling his eyes and starting to drive off.

 We found the closest hotel as my dad didn’t want to drive any more. We got the last two rooms that were available.  We walked up they were pretty nice rooms since no one wanted to pay to much and it was all that was left Kaylee turned to my dad “ what about my parents if i'm not home they’ll kill me” she said whining a little

“its fine ill call them” he said reassuring her.  

We walked into our separate rooms, it was pretty big it had a little sitting area and a big T.V  with two queen sized beds and a decently sized bathroom, Nothing super fancy but more than the usual.

Kaylee crawled into bed and took off her pants and shirt under the covers she threw them on the floor beside her bed, she was completely fine with being naked or close to it. I closed the divider to the small sitting room and stared out the window at all the falling snow. It floated down and gently landed on the ground before being swept up by the wind again.i was deep in thought when my phone buzzed, I looked down it was from Emma.

Have Niall dreams sweet chart :) <3

I smiled and taped the buttons on my phone examining what I said before I sent it

Have Harry dreams sweet chart <3

We had started the have *insert favorite band member here* dreams since we started liking them. And sweet chart, I messed up my words once and it stuck. I didn’t mind I was glad I had two actual girls in my life that I trusted. I don’t trust people especially not girls they run there mouths too much. I trust guys more and I get along with them better not that I always love it but it always works out in the end.

 I could feel the nights excitement slowly sinking out of me and onto the floor escaping the room in silence. A wave of sadness washed over me like it did every night. The night mares were awful I hated sleeping I tried to avoid it. I could feel my self starting to fight with my self internally. I never have talked to people about my problems I internalized it all until I exploded.

  I sat in silence tears crawling down my cheeks. My eyes were sore when they finally stopped, I checked my phone it was 3 am.

   I took off my sweater, jeans and top glad I had worn leggings underneath to keep me warm and a tank top under my t-shirt.

 The bed was cold and unwelcoming, I rested my head on my hands and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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