chapter 15

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Two weeks later

"to solve that you have to divide 23 by 5 then subtract 7 from the result then divide it all by two" stated Ryan proud of his intelligence I rolled my eyes,

Ryan had been one of my best friends since eighth grade he was tall and thin, his skin pale, hair dyed black he had a nice shag, and his eyes were a light blue he also had an amazing smile and he was always there when you needed him.

"Kiss ass" said Jake turning around to roll his eyes at Ryan.

Jake and I had been friends for as long as I can remember he was pale with thin lips and a blond shag, he was extremely thin but had muscle to make up for it and his eyes were blue the same as Ryan. If you were an on looker you would think that they were brothers.

"Just because I actually use my brain and don't smoke it away doesn't make me a kiss ass" Ryan countered smirking.

Now Jake wasn't a pot head but he defiantly did dabble in it, I think that me and Ryan were the only things keeping him from being one. Jake looked offended as he turned around and looked down at his blank pages starting to sketch his newest drawing, he was an amazing artist not that he would admit it, he would occasionally make me a drawing of Garfield or something completely random from the top of his head. I always kept them all in a small box I had in my room.

Ryan looked less than impressed at Jake, he turned to me "So you talked to Niall recently?" I looked down my stomach turning

"yeah a few times we Skyped twice and he texts me when he can, but I really miss him Ry" I stated quietly looking down coloring in one of the lines on my paper.

He smiled "well just think he could have done what other celebrities do and get what he wants then when it gets hard leave" he said shrugging

"he's not like that, I know that but I wish I could see him but he is over 3000 miles away living the dream while I'm stuck in class in fucking Canada" I said applying more pressure onto my pencil causing the tip to brake

"don't be mad he's doing the best he can like you said living the dream, which I'm sure requires a lot more work than you think" Ryan always seemed to remind me of Liam he was sensible and always looked at things from a reasonable point of view.

"Yeah I know" Jake turned around

"besides when you see him it will be more special, ya know" he wiggled his eyebrow suggestively. I rolled my eyes

"why is that all you think about Jake?" I asked him

"because it's all that's necessary" he said in a tone as if I should know this and I did I was just hoping for once he would change his response

"you stupid child" I stating shoving him he smiled

"just admit you want too" he said to me

"I am not saying anything" I looked at him

"exactly so don't pull that I'm all innocent bullshit with me" he turned around again Ryan just laughed at our conversation

"what about Kaylee and Harry?" he asked me sounding genuinely curious

Ryan and Kaylee had dated on and off in the past but before the concert she finally called it quits. "Their good but she's getting just as much talk time with Harry as I am with Niall, if not even less" I sighed "she understands but she hates it" Ryan looked a bit angry

"if he hurts her I will personally go out to England and beat the shit out of that boy" he said narrowing his eyes

"calm down he likes her a lot, he won't do anything"

"that's what they all say" he stated crossing his arms I rolled my eyes at his clear jealousy.

Two days later

The music blasted bouncing off the walls of my room, I was doing what I always did when I missed him a lot, I put in their CD and played it at full volume closed my eyes and let the sound take me over and run through my whole body. When suddenly my door burst open

"LOOK AT THIS" Kaylee screamed turning off my music, grabbing my laptop from my desk and turning it on, she went straight to YouTube going to the newest One Direction interview

"ugh I don't want to watch that" I said laying back down on my bed

"oh believe me sweetie you do" she stated pressing play I listened to the words and all the generic question and answers played. Things I've heard a thousand times over but I still smile at. After about two minutes Kaylee tapped me on the shoulder "you will want to watch this" she said with a huge smile I sat up

"alright, so here's a question everyone want to know are you boys single?" the interviewer asked

"I am" Zayn piped in quickly winking at the camera I rolled my eyes

"I've got a girlfriend" said Liam

"me as well" Louis followed Niall and Harry were both playing with their clothes and fingers

"well you two seem a bit quiet" said the interviewer playfully

"well, I'm seeing someone" Harry finally said quietly

"and I have a girlfriend" Niall added in, my mouth dropped as the words escaped his mouth.

The interviewer looked shocked "well this is an exclusive, now boys tell me who these lucky girls are" Harry looked at her

"we are not going to say, all I will say is that we both adore these two and we wish to keep it personal until we can discuss it with them" he said it with such confidence and intelligence that the subject was dropped immediately

"oh my god" was all I could manage

"that's not even all" she said pausing the video and going to a online version of a gossip magazine I looked at the head line

Sorry girls looks like Zayn Malik of One Direction is the only one that is now single

I continued to read the article

Harry styles and Niall Horan have stated in a recent interview that they are now taken, Niall saying "I have a girlfriend" while Harry simply stating "I'm seeing someone" leaving everyone in wonder if it is in fact a boy, that Harry Styles is currently infatuated with, not much information to go on though we are left only to assume.

I laughed at their assuming of Harry, Kaylee didn't look impressed

"I can't believe they think he's gay!" she stated laughing a bit

"they will get a shock when they find out it's you" I laughed shoving her shoulder lightly "but I can't believe they said they were taken" I said taking the computer away from Kaylee and sending the video to Ryan

still believe he isn't serious? I sent along with the link.

Smiling now Kaylee looked at me handing me her phone to show me her and Harrys conversation

hey! Just saw the interview, i can't believe what you and Niall did I will show Rikki

hey yeah we couldn't not tell people you too are amazing and we want everyone to know

thanks babe just so you know I am perfectly okay with my name being given out I want everyone to know that your mine ;P

I know but let's let them figure it out for themselves they will find out soon enough;)

alright, that is true

yeah, alright I have to go to a signing talk to you soon?

Okay have fun ily

ily too

I gave her the phone back "that's cute" I said smiling at her "I know Rikki I really do think I love him" her eyes lighting up at the word

"I know you do"

Backstage Passes (One Direction)-Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now