This is very important news. After you have read the Hues Of Monochrome: Waking Dawn, it doesn't end there. That is still the prologue of a more exiting journey. After you have read Waking Dawn, as you can see, the ending is quite a cliffhanger. You ask why? It is because it has a sequel- The Hues Of Monochrome: Sinful Thorns. The full version or the complete version of Sinful Thorns will be released On April or somewhere there. It is a must read! Also, Sinful Thorns contain the REAL ending of The Hues of Monochrome. I hope the readers can wait until then. Thank you :>
For the cover, the pictures is from: search?q=black+and+white+anime+character&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=D95cU6j5HInVkQXNnIGgDg&ved=0CDUQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=653#q=wallapaper%20black%20and%20white%20awesome&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=huYxgOdw_KKttM%3A%3Bhx7QyYWfg8hQgM%3BhuYxgOdw_KKttM%3A&imgrc=huYxgOdw_KK :) hehehehhe anyways, I edited it.
Monochrome: Waking Dawn
FantasyThe Spirit world, Spherea, is in grave crisis. The Lost goddess, who holds the power to grant wishes, went missing. it used to watch over Spherea in a form of a statue so no one would fight over its power. But, one night, a man did a spell to let th...