Chapter Eleven : DYING SUNSETS

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Chapter 11


"I said that I am not afraid, that I am brave enough. I will not give up until I see the sun"

*Ben's POV*

He has worried about me... he had actually held me while we slept and had given me his warmth to comfort my soul. My soul that hurt from being beaten so much and so often. It hurt being me most of the time, most of my life was a failure and I was worthless, but I could keep living just to have these moments of delusional love... the moments in which, even though I knew I would never have Bruno for me, I kept pretending I did. And that night, the only thing that mattered is that his back was not turned on me, he was actually facing me... more like cuddling.

But as most marvelous nights, it has to end, and so the feared morning came, and soon I was lying alone in the bed. Slowly, but surely I got up and grabbed my clothes and got dressed. Getting out of the room, I hears whispers and giggles – very cute giggles if I may say – of course they belonged to Manu, he and his boyfriend were making breakfast... or at least they were trying to, between a super cheesy rain of kisses, compliments and silly jokes. Ugh, these love-sick people!

- Morning! – Manu's automatic reaction was to separate from Gael and clear his throat, turning red – Did you guys have hot sex last night and that's why you're using his oversized shirt?

- What?! No! Ben! Y-you shouldn't be saying that

- Whatever, I'm out of here

- Snow white, we are making breakfast for you too, so you'd better wait – I gasp and start beaming with happiness, that's what happens when somebody offers you food, you find your happiness, it's inevitable

- Have I ever told you how much I love you guys? – they just smile and keep cooking

Having a full belly sure is a nice feeling. Food came and went faster than I wish, and Gael had to start getting ready for his classes, so he went to the bathroom and left us. Manuel kept silent staring at the place where Gael had been sitting just before, meanwhile I looked at the other empty spot of the table. Yes, now we had a table. These boys had gone from living in a tiny room with two beds, a bathroom and a desk, to live at a nice apartment with three bedrooms, a bathroom – with bathtub, important for kinky sex – a small kitchen and a kinda living-dining room or something. Cool huh?! Bruno said that he had gotten it for a good price and in very comfortable monthly installments, which would be divided between him and Gael, but I knew that he was not being too honest.

The way he smiles but his eyes stay cold... that's when you know Bruno is lying.

- Ben – Manu called me making me look up immediately – how does sex feel?

- Uhhh... ummm it feels funny in your belly, kinda like when you ate something you are not supposed to... - I trailed off

- Something you ate up your butt? – my eyebrows shot up with his question

- Eh... yeah. I guess so

- Does it hurt?

- Definitely – I say with a bitter taste in my mouth, remembering my own pain

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