France x LONG HAIRED! reader

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This is how long your hair is (also my oc)

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This is how long your hair is (also my oc)

~~~Your Pov~~~

"FRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCE!" I sobbed. He was probably no where near but he should be right next to you in 3...2...1.

"(Y/N)! Your hair!"He said, yet again you got your hair caught.

"I got my hair caught!" I whinned.

"I see that." He said laughing, and untangling your hair, man you were lucky that his guy was your husband, yup you heard right husband.

"Anyway do you know what day it is tomorrow?" France asked, then realization hit you like a train.

"It April fools day tomorrow." You said looking horrified.

France gasped, "Oh god no..."


You woke up finding your husband cuddling with you. You giggled then tapped his head, he sighed.
"Do we have to get up?" He asked you.
"Sadly yes, I need coffee and you do too." You sighed.
"Fiiiiiiiine." He said letting you go, then you both got outa bed at the same time.
You walked down stairs to fine there was a box on the table, nope your weren't opening them, "FRANCE THERES A BOX ON THE TABLE!" You yelled, France came running down the stairs.
Then he opened them, he gasped, "What is it?" You ran to his side, there was a letter and some clothing.
You read it,
Dear (Y/N) and France,
Happy April fools day!  Come to the plaza in the clothes I provided and your most embarrassing photo won't be posted online for everyone to see!
You looked at the outfits, France only had a rose to cover his, uhhh. No nope, yours was worse. It was a clear bathing suit with 3 roses on it. You were already insure, this did not help, but the picture was of France suffocating in your hair. So, you put it on.
"Frrraannccce, it hate this." You whimpered.
France grabbed your hips, "Well I think you look good in it." He said then he kissed you, even if you were married you turned 50 shades of red.
"But France you know about my insecurities..." You begun cry.
"Mon ange(my angel), your to pretty to cry." He said whipping away your tears. "Let's just go bet up who ever gave us these clothes."
You nodded.
~~~Timeskip to the plaza~~~
You walking around holding your husbands hand when you saw England, he came running up to us.
"YOU BLOODY WANKER!" He shouted at France,then he immediately strangled you dear husband. "GIVE US BACK OUR PHOTOS YOU WAKER!"
"I DONT HAVE YOUR PHOTOS!!" France yelled back.
"YOU WOULD BE THE ONLY PERVERTED TO PULL THIS OFF." England slowly turned to you, at this point in time England knew he fucked up.
"England, Ima give you 5 secound to get off my husband." Right now you were scarier then Russia.
Then England pulled out his magic wand, and POOF! Your husband was now a kid.
"France, sweety get in my hair." You said, then France literally walked into your hair and literally made himself a little bed and he fell asleep. 'Not the time to squeal about your adorable husband.' You thought. "England, England, I wouldn't come here if our picture wasn't damn embarrassing, England, I am incredibly insecure, my Husband would never put me in this then force me outside just to play a prank."
"Wow, you guys didn't think it was me?" Then appeared a Spain. France popped out of your hair.
"YOU MADE MY WIFE CRY!" He tackled Spain.
"IM SORRY IM SORRY! HERE OUR YOUR PHOTOS!" He said throwing them up into the air. You caught yours, you sighed out of relief.
You picked your husband then walked home.

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