Beelzebub x reader

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Requested by @the_yeeyee_man Dawg i am so sorry this sat in my  google drive for like 3 months.

I sat at my computer tapping away. This investigation was taking longer than it was supposed to. For a living I look into args/weird things on the internet and code break. See, a couple years ago a youtube channel popped up called 'Jack Torrance' nothing out of the ordinary in my field really. Creepy video, distortion some code breaking blah blah. Nothing really too interesting. Then a live stream popped up a day or two ago called Help me, and in the description there were calls for help so it immediately got interesting again. I started to interact with the owner of the channel, and recently they were taunting me to go to texas, in which I agreed.

But, something in the back of my mind was stopping me. Usually this didn't happen. Well two things usually don't happen, A. I become a part of the arg and B. something tells me not to do something. My field is pretty safe, I run a youtube channel to discuss these types of things. Something was telling me that this was real this time, It wasn't an arg. But, I continued on and I was looking for a place to stay in Texas. I was up late talking with my subscribers on discord trying to figure things out. I didn't tell them about my off feeling though because It again, is probably nothing.

The screen glared back in my face, I glanced over at my clock, 3:47 am. I sighed, logging off for the night when someone directly dm'd me. I read it over. It was from a fan saying they lived in texas and could house me for a week or two. I smiled and replied accepting their offer. We discussed dates and It turns out I'd head down next week. I smiled and turned off my computer, shutting the lid and getting up out the chair. I stretched, my tank top riding up a tad bit. I stumbled over to my bed in the dark, stubbing my toe on the way. "Ow," I whispered, falling face first onto my bed. Sleep overtook me maybe too quickly.


I groaned, hitting my head on my desk. Does this girl ever stop? I'm trying to send her subtle hints but nooooooo she's just too stubborn.

I rest my head on my hand, "I just have no idea what to do with this girl?" I slam my hands down on my desk, "Why am I even protecting this ssstupid human? What's matter to me?" I groan I just can't keep my grip today. I drum my fingers on the table, why do I even keep fidgeting? Who cares if she accidentally curses herself, why is it my problem? I massage my temple.

I hear my office door open and close, "Who isss it?" I ask. The footsteps suggested they were light on their feet and at a bit of a saunter, oh good, its crowley. "Good afternoon Crowley," I say scarcastlicy.

"Good afternoon Bee, how are you?" He rested his elbow on my desk then his head in his hand.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, leaning back.

"So, what do you think of that little arg community, wonderful isn't it?" He said standing back upright, crossing his arms.

"Sssure, sssure, I couldn't really care for it myself," I waved him away, lying.

"There's this demon inhabiting a human body, jack torrance, you know that guy? Yeah he runs an arg and he got some chick involved and she's tracking him down, not super bright," he dryly laughed.

"Leave me alone and go back to your little angel boyfriend or whatever," I said dismissing him. My mind raced, this was gonna go terribly fast for (Y/n). Jack is a highly possessive spirit.

"Awwe, ok will do!" He saluted and cheeky smile on his lips. That was never good but, nothing I could do about it now.


I packed my bag, throwing clothes in my suitcase while music played through my record player, Hoziers, Wasteland, Baby! Album playing. I started to hum and move to the beat of the music, tapping my foot. I started to sway to it too, and before I knew it I was dancing all around my apartment. I stopped before I got too distracted and missed my flight, I mean it was tempting to keep dancing but this case was pretty important. I finished packing and zipped it up and headed out. I locked my door behind and turned on my music heading down the elevator. It dinged as I strolled out. I waved by to the landlord and continued on. I threw my suitcase in the back of my jeep and hopped in. I started my engine and started down the streets onto the highway. I had music going again when it started to fizz and crackle. I raised an eyebrow. I flipped the station, still static. I sighed and went to turn it off when a voice came through. I jumped.

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