Autumn!dave x Witch!Reader

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Autumn, the season I controlled. I popped on my roller skates quickly going over to Dirks house to get the crystal. His girl was probably mackin on him right now, I hope not. I knocked on his door, after a series of noises the door finally opened, Dirk looked disheveled.

I laughed, "Take the fucking crystal." He growled.

I left, little did I know someone was watchin me like a crow.


That crystal totally was magical. I could tell. I was parked in a tree,the shade hiding my face. My giant net in one hand. my navy blue shirt covered in stars and my light blue short overalls and my purple witches hat that I only wore when alone, I wore a snap back in public.

I watched that boy, he was rather cute. I was eager to start a conversation with him. He touched a tree, its leaves turning a deep orange color. At this point I wanted a nice warm apple cider. He slightly smiled, his glasses covering his eyes. I wanted to know what his eye color was. Probably a hazel, that seemed to suit him. He was now on the move, I moved from tree to tree.

He made eye contact with me, or I least I think so.


I heard the pine trees rustling. I turned to look but there was nothing there, I decided to go incognito. Just in case someone was following me. Highly doubt it. I tapped my toe on the ground and my skateboard appeared. I hopped on and the ground seemed to rush behind me. What I didn't notice was a rock just up ahead. I hit it flying off my board, I caught myself though.

A cute lookin chick came running up to me in a snap back and overalls, "Hey! You alright? That was quite the tumble you took!" She giggled.

Then I realized, I was still invisible, "H-how can you...?"


Oh shoot. I thought to myself, "Because how would I not?" I asked hiding my lie.

He looked at me suspicious. I dug out of my pocket a band aid, "Need a band aid?"

He got up, whipped the dirt off, "Listen you must have got the sight er something but I was invisible."

Oh, right. "I guess so," I shrugged playing his game. "So what cha doing?"


I don't know who this girl was but I wanted to immediately trust her, she felt safe. She felt like home, "Well I represent autumn-"

"I love autumn!"

I kinda blushed, quietness hung in the air, "OH! sorry i din't mean to make you uncomfortable." She was blushing.

"It's not problem!" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"You wanta hang out?" She asked.

"I don't even know your name, or who you are for that matter." I stated, hoping to get to know this girl a bit more.

"Well my names (y/n) (L/n), my favortie season is autumn and my favorite color is (F/c)." She rambled off.

"Well my name is Dave Strider, and my favorite color is red."

"Oh! Are you related to.. oh what was his name... he was in the news a couple weeks ago..." She quizzically looked off tapping her chin.

"Dirk strider?" I asked raising an eyebrow. (Y/N) was smart.

A light bulb went off in her head, "Yeah him!"

"Yeah hes my twin..."

"You two look very different..."

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