Nyo! America x Reader

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A/n so this oneshot is based off the song, "The plagues" and the animation I linked is my personal favorite. And currently why I'm so inconsistent with uploads is because I have a huge oneshot in my head and its just sitting and I need to get it out but this one was shorter so Thanks for your wait!! And I will be using the past life au, where the countries once were humans then reincarnated as the countries. (I will be changing some of the lyrics a bit don't worry thou)

The Past

The fire burned in her eyes. This was no longer the woman I loved.

She cackled, "Oh look! The little priestess came to play! Don't you love me (Y/N)?"

I had sent plagues to weaken her and her hold on my people, "Once I called you lover. Once I thought the chance to make you laugh was all I ever wanted!"

She raised an eyebrow, "Once?"

The roaring fire seemed to swirl around us, "I wish that God had chosen another. Severing you as your foe on his behalf is the last thing I ever wanted." I called out wanting to cry, I don't want to hurt Amelia but, that has come, it's my only choice. "This was my home," I looked at what damage the fire had caused. "All this pain and devastation," I started to cry, my cross charm beating against my chest, "How it tortures me inside," The anger started to rise in me, "All the innocent who suffer," I drew my cross sword, "From your stubbornness and pride!"

I pounced on this demon that held Amelia captive, swinging my sword. The demon easily avoided. "The big G chose you to be his warrior. You're so weak and pathetic!"

I swung again, "Let my people go demon!"

The demon opened its arms, "You who I called lover, how could you have come to hate me so?" In its eyes seemed to hold Amelia. I shook my head that was its trick. Amelia is gone. The fire swirled around its hands, "Never mind how high the cost may grow, this will still be so: I will never let your people go!"

The fire came towards me, I nearly avoided it, "You will! Thus saith the Lord!"

It charged at me, "I will not let your people go!"

At the same time, I said, "Let my people go!" The sword went through cleanly.

"Love, save me!" It used amelia's voice again.

"Amelia is gone." The body went limp and fell to the ground. I took a step back, blood covered my dress. I dropped the sword, the sound of it clanking against the ground was the only noise as the fire had died. Everything had gone back to normal. I turned my back to the corpse and walk into the church.

The present

I woke with a start, fiddling on the nightstand for my cross. I grabbed it and gave it a quick prayer.

That's when Carmen came in, turning on the light, "Hey I felt that something was off, are you ok?" She sat at the end of the bed.

Squinting, I grabbed my glasses then sat up, "I had the dream again."

Carmen gasped, "Man, it's been a long time since you had it. Will you be okay to go to the meeting tomorrow?"

I smiled, "I will be good, thank you for your concern. I'm going back to sleep and you should too."

She shook her head, "I know you don't sleep after it."

I was a tiny bit shocked, "Sorry didn't know I was that loud."

Worry clouded her face, "I hope it's not a bad omen because there are two new countries coming to the meeting tomorrow."

"I hope so too. Go back to bed Carmen. It's too early for you to be awake," I said trying to get her out so I could write it while it was still clear in my mind.

"Alrighty, (Y/N)." She got up and left.

"Good night!" I called. I hopped into my chair and begun writing, this time was the most vivid.

The future

We walked in, I by Carmen's side. While Carmen ran around saying hello, I sat down, pulling out my book. I pushed up my glasses every now and then.

Julchen came up, "Hey (Y/N)." She winked.

Then Carmen came running over, screaming, "We agreed off limits!" And smacked her.

"Ow Carmen!" Julchen rubbed her head.

I rolled my eyes and focused back onto my book.

Then Alice clapped, bringing everyone's attention to her, "Focus hooligans, Francine are you gonna introduce your's first or mine?"

"Oh yeah! I'll do mine!" Francine ran out the doors then came back with a girl, "Everyone! This is Canada or Marguerite!"

The girl trembled, "O-oh maple. That's a lot of people. Uhh hi?" She waved slightly. Then she and Francine sat down.

"Ok my turn," Then Alice turned and walked out the door, only to bring Amelia in.

I start to cough, no this couldn't be. All eyes turned to me and Carmen came running over, "(Y/N)! oh, I knew that dream was a bad omen!" She turned to Amelia, "Back demon!"

Then Alice got heated up, "Are you calling my sister a demon!"

"Wait, wait, wait! You're the girl from my dreams!" She looked excited.

"Um excuse me, what dreams?" Alice put her hands on her hips.

I started to shake, "P-please no Amelia." I whispered shakily holding the cross.

"Can I get a hug at least?" She opened her arms, life flashed between the dream and real life. I got up out of my chair and started to back up.

That's when Carmen stepped in front of me. "I donn't know who you were to her in her past life but it sure as hell wasn't good. So stand back."

Amelia rubbed her neck and replied sheepishly, "Actually we were lovers, then I got possessed by a demon and she was a priestess and that whole ordeal probably caused some metal damage," Amelia lean over and called, "I'm sorry about that!"

"Amelia please," I pleaded.

Then Amelia realized, "Oh shoot open arms probably scared the living crap outa you."

Then Francine called, "Ok that's nice and all so Carmen move and let them have their reunion and Carmen chill out and don't fight my wife. I thought that was the rule?"

Alice erupted into a blush, "I'm no-"

"B-But Francine! My child!" Carmen said.

"I'm not your child! I'm your sister!" I fought back.

Carman turned her back to Amelia, "Uh you will-"

That's when Amelia ran around Carmen and over to me, "(Y/N) look! I'm sorry!" She knelt in front of me and held out her hand, "Maybe we can start over?"

Carmen was at full sprint, I took Amelia's hand, stood up and spun around, sending Carmen crashing into me instead, "I'm gonna take that as a yes." Amelia tightened the griped then picked me up.

My arms flew to her neck, "Amelia!" I screamed.

She was running at full speed, "Sorry for stealing the princess!" Amelia called to Carmen.

"Stop taunting her thats like the worst idea!" I cried.

"She's no challenge for the heroine!" Amelia laughed, which was still the same, as her perfume.

We soon lost Carmen. "Here! Let's to to the park!" Amelia set me down gently then grabbed my and lead me to a tree which we sat in it's shade. I yawned and fell asleep on her shoulder, finally at peace.

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