War - A Poem

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This is my narration,

Of encroachment, of violation.

Of a disregard of human rights- of lives;

A garish nightmare, History cries.

Of dew glinting red in the morning ray,

Dandelions springing through the  pavement;

Tiny and proud, heads held high

Uncaring  of heavy boots clumping its way.

Of a flash, hidden tears, an acrid smell.

A blanket of oppression permeated by silent screams

That tear the air asunder, and

Eardrums quiver contaminating their dreams.

Of a mockery of living : a rain of bombs, a parade of gun fire-

Boots washed by blood, shining sickeningly.

 Their gazes dig deep and nest between pores

And bullets invade deeper than ever before.

Of a girl cowering  from leering faces,

Mothers clutching cold bodies in agony,

Children being dragged away to dark places

Human Rights; buried in subjugation.

This; a heartless symphony of cruelty;

A synchronised orchestra of injustice;

A mockery of allied peace and liberty-

And the silent world behind screens of grief.

Yet. The beaten rise once again,

One more time unto the face of death.

Banners fly in the wake of night:

Promises of blows that will crumble their might,

Destroy their ranks and crush their pride-

Targeted missiles and trained men scramble in flight.

Before and after, the people bow down low-

With grief and loss and love and honour-

Armour of Will, shield of Imaan-

A beacon in the night of terror,

O Allah, give us your mercy, help to endure furthermore.

psst. I'm not great at writing poems because I'm more of a thought flowing freely person and confirming to structure is hard for me. but hey I tried.

also, this is not all by me. Credit due to my amazing grandmother who aided and helped me along the way :)

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