Hope Dawns - a poem

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Dedication//- because she directed me to OneSolidUmmah who're doing a superb job in the rehabilitation and support of Syrian refugees and orphans. Jazakillah for that :) If you can donate, give anything, or people around you can, they have details on their facebook page. (Facebook page in external link)

It is late, I say

Go back to bed.

It is morning just look at the bright sky!

And I can still hear the words she said.

Don’t stand too close to the window,

And my breath catches in my throat.

She laughs at me; I’m just opening it wide

So we all can see…

My words were frozen deep.

And a whine accelerated into a crash     

Crashing into a boom-

And a magician swirled his cape into the grey fumes

Of air, and love and life that once was.

They told me 16 suns lit the sky the night

She died,

But she laughed and said it was



we all could see better;

Because our days maybe dark,

And their hearts are darker.

But we are a people      

                                lit up

brighter than the fire that tries to burn through us

(They do not see it

                        burning within )

Their missiles are loud- as they

drown out screams and cries and humanity,

But when the body grows frail;

                        -the spirit rises up in a roar-song

                                       to serenade

                                                the dawn of a new day




A/N: I was supposed to be on hiatus, but recent events- and well, I needed an outlet. Make the most of this month, and this life.

You do not need to be Muslim to stand for Gaza, you just need to be human.



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