Chapter 8: Straight through the Heart

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Mark's Pov
I regained my consciousness only to find myself lying on the floor, the drug that he used was still in effect making me dizzy. I tried to stand up but failed and fall right back down, I shake my head and blinked a few times. Finally the drug wears off and still feel the pain in my neck, I touched it only to feel dried blood and a small wound that feela like hell when touched. I heard noises coming from the other room wait... "Where are they? Where the fuck am I?" I cursed under my breath.

I tried opening the door but it was locked, I sighed, what did I expect? I scratched the back of my head. Looking for another way, the lock was at the other side of the door, I just need to slide my hand in the space then unlock it with a key. As I backed away I felt a sharp object on my foot, I immediately stumbled down only to see a sharp shard of broken tile. My eyes widened filled with hope, I quickly grabbed it then started picking the lock, It was very tricky but managed to open it.

Suddenly I heard a click, followed by a sound of dropped metal. My mind was celebrating in joy, but I just let out a sigh of relief, I readied myself for the worst then opened the door slowly. My footsteps echoed in the hallway as I searched around the corridor, I felt lucky when I saw a rusty pocket knife just lying on the ground. My searching was interrupted by noises from the other room, I walked slowly towards it knife in front. As I walked closer to it, the sounds stopped the silence almost deafening. I peeked at the door only to see Jack bound tightly to a chair, tears in his eyes. "Jack!" I yelled getting his attention, his eyes widened still red from crying. "Mark! Get me outta here!" his yells echoed in my ears and I immediately started picking the lock with the pocket knife.

I kicked the door open making him jump, I darted towards him then cut all the ropes. His tears almost shines in the dimly lit room, I pat him in the back then assisted him outside. A weak smile formed on his face, but I comforted him with a reassuring grin and a thumbs up, his eyes glimmered filled with hope.

"Where's Felix?" Jack asked with a shaky voice, instead of just standing around we decided to look for him checking each and every room. We searched until we saw Felix knocked out in a room with chained locks in it, whoever wants Felix here, doesn't want him to get out. I played around the locks and good thing we unlocked it, bad thing is the pocket knife broke. "Damnit.." I cursed under my breath

The chains clanked loudly as it fell on the ground, we opened it and aided Felix to get up. I kneeled beside him and watched as he regained consciousness, He looked up at me then Jack, He tried to get up but was surprised by a pounding head ache. He held the back of his head but as he pulled his hand away, blood was in his hands. I turned him around only to see dark dried blood pierce through his blonde hair, my eyes widened tears forming in my eyes "What is it..." Felix says with a weakened voice "Am I gonna be okay?.." His tone was so different from his normal voice making me worry, "C-can you stand up?" Stuttering I grabbed him by his arms over my shoulders, Jack joined and helped the other arm.

We were limping through the long hallways wishing it leads to the exit. Something wasn't right... Again... I shrugged it off but failed when I noticed a pot, we were walking towards it's path but every steps we take just makes it a bit further. W-what is this bullshit? I started sweating realizing we weren't making any progress, It was a endless hallway. "U-uh can we walk faster.?" I commanded with a shaky voice but Jack and Felix still listened to me gaining speed. The place started to go dark every step is a shade of black, "Maybe we should run.." We dashed while helping Felix. Pots, Vases, Painting started flying all over the place. We started running as fast as we can ignoring the shit that is flying all over the place, we dodged here and there until we heard that deep laugh again "hahaha... No where to run no where to hide"
I looked behind me, only to see the other me that drugged me floating as he throws things at us telepathically. Everything was in shambles
F: Hurry! It's Catching up to us!
M: Jesus what was in that drug!?
We managed to dodge all the things he threw but still chased after us. We finally made it to the end, which seemed like an hour. But everything was in chaos, dust everywhere, vases and shit are flying around. We were cornered, I hugged the wall as I saw him get closer. The closer he gets the more powerful the chaos becomes, the harsh wind blew in our faces. I felt a material bumped my feet, I squinted my eyes then take a look. It was a gun! I took it and reloaded it without hesitation
J: Where did you get that!?" Jack's voice was loud enough to be heard even with strong winds like this, I didn't respond. I waited for him to get near enough.

Everything stopped, the environment fell silent. I looked up at him, he was a meter away. Standing, staring at us, the sight sends shivers all over my body. His face covered up by the shadows, only his bright red eyes acted as a light source. The silence was once again deafening.

I slowly aimed the gun to him, until it was pointed to his head. A smirk formed on my face.

Then I pulled the trigger...

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