Chapter 31: As a Team

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Jack's Pov

I opened my eyes, still at the comfort of the bed, I turned my head and saw Sam staring down at Anti.. It was all blurry so I closed my eyes and got back from my slumber.

Few hours and I was awaken by a loud scream, it seemed the others was startled as well as we rushed to Anti who was squirming in his bed holding his now bleeding neck. The red stained the foam of his bed, we panicked and tried to help him but nothing we did actually helped him..
Mark looked around to find Sam who was now missing as Felix assisted finding traces.

Anti took his hand of his neck and saw small white dots that looked like.. Salt? If it is salt then damn that is painful. I wiped it with wet towel Mark gave to me, and sighed relieved.  We all sat next to Anti and asked him if he was alright now, he nodded.. We gave him time to relax and calm down.

Anti: It was all that damn kid!

Jack: h-hey! Breath, just-

Anti: that snake put something in my neck it burned the hell out of it!

Mark: That little son of a-

Felix: Let's not jump into conclusions!

Jack: He's right, I hate to say it but it was really Sam.. I saw her staring at Anti hours ago

Felix: Dammit... So she threw in salt? In Anti's neck? That's cruel

Anti: Another of the host's plot to kill me, I swear when I see that kid again I'll-

Mark: Alright.. We get it, calm down.

Felix: Does this mean...

Anti: It has begun...

Jack: Hope you guys had a goodnight sleep, because it might be our last. Our mission to take the gem off of Dark's staff has started, best of luck to us.

Mark: Pack everything we need! We need to be ready!

Felix: Take that bag over there! Let's move.


The host's Pov

"can you feel their anger Sam... They're coming. you did great, you're leading them right to me.. Poor people, they won't know what's coming for them"


Mark's Pov

We prepared everything from med kits to crafted weapons, well.. Being prepared is better than going in empty handed right?

Jack is putting bandage around Anti's neck, Felix is packing the things we need and I check if we forgot something or not.

Mark: Where are we going exactly?

Anti: Dark's office,  I'll lead the way

Mark: I see..

After an hour of preparing we finaly finished and decided to go.  We opened the door filled with determination, I heard Anti sigh and led the way.

Felix: You know, I already doubted Sam from the start.. Being the guy always at the back side of the group I always see her eyeing all of us, she always has this glance when you turn your backs.

Jack: I just didn't see her backstabbing us, I trusted her.. She is my icon after all

Anti: Doesn't matter now, we want our freedom and we're gonna fight for it

Mark: Yeah..


Wilford Warfstache's Pov

Wilford: My mouth slipped again, I called Dark 'Damien'. Not only does 'dark' doesn't suit him but now it's harder to talk to him now he teleported away! Great! Just great!

What can I do to make it up to him?... Hmm, Ugh! I can't think of anything! Fine if he doesn't want to hear my plans then I'll just steal the gem myself, not only will it grant me the host's power it will also make me a God! That gem on his staff is the answer to my wishes, and I'll do anything to get my hands on it.


Jack's Pov

Anti: Okay let's clear things up; We are gonna head towards Dark's office which can lead us to his staff, that staff is very important to him so it can be heavily guarded. On top of that staff is a gem that contains the mind of the host, the host isn't actually a living entity on our world. He might appear here but only a hologram, he is only physical in his own mind and that's the only place we can hurt him.. Once the host is stopped, the whole asylum will collapse.. granting our exit.

I nodded filled with anxiousness but excitement, we are finally getting out.. On what seems to be an eternity in hell, but don't celebrate yet. There are still many things that can stop us from leaving, things that can kill us.

Mark: We need all of you to cooperate, no one is the leader. Everyone here has weaknesses so we need to protect each other at all costs.. Once we continue here there is NO going back, is that clear?

Felix: Yeah! We need to be brave, never give up!

Jack: And never surrender!

Anti: This is a step on our final push! It's up to us to decide weather to give up or continue on. So, failure is not an option! Understand!?

" YEAH!"
We yelled together, full of motivation. We're almost there!

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